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单词 envy
envy/′envi/ n;vt [-yies /z/; -yied,-yied /d/]

n (1) 妒忌,羡慕(feeling of jealousy caused by another's good fortune or success) [UN(of/at)]:out of~出于妒忌; do sth in/with~由于妒忌做某事; words spoken in~由于妒忌而说的话; cannot conceal/suppress one's~无法掩饰/无法抑制自己的妒忌; be in~of sth 对某事心怀妒忌; the~in one's face 某人脸上羡慕的神情; be the object of~成为羡慕的对象; excite one's~引起自己的羡慕; feel~at sth 对某物很羡慕; be full of/be filled with~at (of) sb/sth 对某人/某物充满羡慕; His~at my new car was obvious. 很显然,他非常羡慕我的新汽车。His~of his brother soon turned to jealousy. 他对他哥哥的羡慕很快就变成了妒忌。〖同〗 jealousy,enviousness;

(2) 羡慕对象(目标),被羡慕的人或物 (object of such feeling;person who is envied) [UN(of)]:make sb/become the~of others (使某人)成为他人羡慕的对象;Her new dress is the~of all her classmates. 她的新连衣裙成为所有同学羡慕的服装。He is the~of the whole neighbourhood. 他成了全体街坊羡慕的对象。

vt 妒忌,羡慕 (feel envy about) [T+nD+n+n]:~sb/one's success 羡慕某人/羡慕某人的成功; How I~you. 我真羡慕你。I don't~you waiting in the rain. 我很庆幸没像你那样在雨中等候。have a figure that any girl would~拥有令所有女孩子羡慕的体形;~sb his money and fame 羡慕某人的金钱和声望; 〖同〗 resent;

→′enviable adj 值得羡慕的;′envied adj 被妒忌;′envious adj 妒忌的;′enviously adv 羡慕地;

【辨异】envybegrudgecovet均指对别人的财产、成就等感到妒忌。envy 表示由于别人拥有自己所没有的东西或取得了自己未能取得的成就而令自己感到妒忌,如:Jim envied his friend's success. (吉姆妒忌自己朋友所取得的成功。) begrudge (妒忌(某人) 有(某物)) 则表示妒忌别人所拥有的财产、荣誉或声誉等,如: He begrudged the man the reward for heroism. (他妒忌那个人因见义勇为而获得的奖赏。) covet (觊觎)意为贪求别人的职务、地位、财产、报酬等. 如: I covet your gold watch. (我对你的金表梦寐以求。)





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