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单词 enter
enter/′entǝ/ v [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

(1) 进入(去,来) (come or go in(to)) [IT+n]:You may ~now. 你可以进去(来)了。Knock and~. 敲敲门进去。~a room (by a rear window) (从后窗户)进入房间; The ship~s the harbour. 那艘船驶入港口。The river~s the sea. 那条河流入大海。The idea~s my head. 那个想法进入我的脑海。The bullet~ed the bone. 子弹打进了骨头。The knife~ed deep. 刀子刺得很深。It never~ed my mind that he could be a spy. 我从没想到他会是间谍。〖同〗 arrive,penetrate; 〖反〗exit,leave,depart;

(2) 加入,参加 (become a member of or participate in)[T+n,无pass]:~a club/the Church/a discussion/the medical profession/a university/the army/a war 加入俱乐部/做牧师/参加讨论/(开始)从事医务工作/上大学/参军/参战; 〖同〗 join; 〖反〗 leave;

(3) 登录,使某人参加或进入,报(名)参加 (record names; register; cause to join) [T+nT+n+prep(for/in),T+n+adv(up)]:~sb at a nursery/sb in a private school/oneself (one's name) for a contest/a book in a catalogue/a horse in a race 将某人送进托儿所/将某人送进私立学校/报名参加竞赛/将书归类/让一匹马参赛;~(up)an item in an account 把一笔账记入账户; 〖同〗 list,record;

(4) (正式)提出(申请(诉),抗议) (submit formally for consideration) [T+n]:~a bid/a complaint (in court)/a protest (action) against sb (sth) 投标/(在法庭上)提出控诉/向某人(就某事)提出抗议;

enter into sth 1) (v prep) 进入,开始(讨论),着手(处理) (vt):~into business/a conversation/the details/the question of salaries/society/a treaty 开始做生意/开始交谈/开始讨论细节/着手处理工资问题/进入社交界/加入条约;~into diplomatic contact with the leadership of a newly independent country/negociations with the business rivals 与新独立国家的领导人进行外交接触/与生意上的竞争对手谈判; 2) (v prep) 分享(感情); 了解,领略 (vt):~into the Christmas party spirit/ the fun of the children's party/sb's views (feelings,troubles) 分享圣诞聚会的欢乐气氛/领略儿童聚会的乐趣/了解某人的观点(感情,麻烦); 3) (v prep) 组成 …… 的一部分(vt) [无pass]:Thoughts of danger did not~into our plans for the expedition. 在制定远征计划时没考虑那些危险的因素。

enter (up)on sth 1) (v prep) 开始,着手 (vt):~(up)on a new life/(up)on another term of office/(up)on a new epoch in human history 开始新生活/另一个任期/开创人类历史新纪元;2) (v prep)(法律) (开始)占有,享有 (vt):~(up)on an inheritance 继承遗产;

→′enterable adj 可进入的;′enterer n 进入者





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