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单词 日日夜夜

日日夜夜rì rì yè yè

day and night; night and day
❍ 你看,我们的对面,就是你们的兵工厂。数月以来,~赶造军火。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》6) Your armament works are on the other bank of the river. For months now they have been going full blast,manufacturing arms day and night
❍ 五处地方~忙开会,学习中央公布的农业社社章,处理田土入股,耕牛农具折价和股份基金的摊派等等具体的问题。(周立波《山乡巨变》267) In all five areas they were busy holding meetings every day and every night,studying the Regulations for an Agricultural Producers’Co-operative promulgated by the Central Government,and dealing with concrete problems such as the pooling of land as shares,fixing prices for draught,oxen and farm implements,apportionment of share subscriptions and so on.

日日夜夜rì rì yè yè

每天每夜。形容日以继夜地接连不断。day and night, night and day





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