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单词 finger
finger/′fɪ ŋɡǝ(r)/ nvt [-ing /rɪ ŋ]

n (1) 手指,指头 (通常指拇指以外的四个指头) (one of the five parts at the end of a handsometimes excluding the thumb) [C]:the index (fore)/middle(long)/ring/little(small)~食指/中指/无名指/小指;point a~at sb/sth 用手指指某人/某物;snap one's~s at sb 朝某人打响指;轻(蔑)视;slip out of one's~s 从手指缝中溜走;错过;get a child to stop sucking his~不让小孩再吸吮手指;The boy has injured one of his~s. 那个男孩弄伤了一个手指;

(2) (手套的)手指部位(part of a glove into which a finger is put) [C]:There's a hole in one of the~s of this glove. 这只手套的一处手指部位有一个洞。

(3) 指状物(anything madeshapedcut like a finger) [C]:cut the bread into~s 将面包切成手指状;a~of land extending into the sea 延伸到大海中的(手指状)狭长陆地;

(have sth) at one's fingertips 精通,极为熟悉:He has all the information at his~tips. 他对所有的情况了如指掌。

be all fingers and thumbs 笨手笨脚:She was all~s and thumbs when she tried to string the beads together. 当她试图将那些珠子穿起来时,显得有些笨手笨脚。

burn one's fingers/get one's fingers burnt (由于多管闲事而)吃亏(苦头),自寻苦恼:As a result,he burnt his own~s. 结果他是自寻苦恼。

one's fingers are all thumbs 笨拙之极:He was so excited that his~s are all thumbs and he dropped the glass. 他太兴奋了,结果笨拙地摔了杯子。

have a finger in the pie/in every pie 参与(插手)某事:He likes to have a~in every pie in the business. 每一桩生意他都喜欢插手。

keep (one's) fingers crossed 希望成功,祝好运:Keep your~s crossed for me today. 今天你为我祝福吧。

lay a finger on someone 碰一下,(轻)打,伤害:If you lay a~on my child,I'll call the police. 你要是碰一下我的孩子,我就喊警察。

(not) lift/raise/stir/turn a finger to do sth (不肯)稍作努力:He didn't lift a~to help his wife cooking. 他一点都不帮他的妻子做饭。

pull one's fingers out 加紧努力:You must pull your~s out if you want to finish the paper on time. 你若想按时完成论文就必须加紧努力。

put/lay one's finger on 指出(问题的症结):It took the engineers several days to lay their~s on the cause for the rocket's failure to orbit. 工程师们用了好几天的时间才找出火箭未能进入轨道的问题所在。

shake one's fingers at 用食指指点某人(以示责备,警告等):You have no right to shake your~s at us — we do not have a racial problem. 你们没有权利指责我们,我们不存在种族问题。

→′fingery adj 展成指状的;′finger-board n (弦乐器的)指板;′finger-bowl n (就餐时)洗手指的碗;finger-mark n 指痕;′finger-nail n 指甲;′finger-plate n 指痕;防护板;′finger-print n 指纹;′fingertip n 指尖(端);

vt (1) 触(抚)摸(touch or feel with one's fingers) [T+n]:~a piece of cloth with admiration 羡慕地抚摸一块布料;~the silk to test its quality 抚摸丝绸以查看其品质;food~ed by someone 被人摸过的食物;The lamas walked along~ing strings of beads. 那些喇嘛一边走一边用手捻念珠。〖同〗handle,touch,feel,squeeze;

(2) 弹奏(play a (musical instrument) by using the fingers in a particular way) [T+n]:~the keyboard of a piano/a piece of music 用手指敲击钢琴琴键/弹奏一支曲子;

(3) 告发(point out (a criminal);betray) [T+n]:The man fled to Canada after~ing four others in the plot. 在告发了那个阴谋中的另外四个人之后,那个人逃到了加拿大。

→′fingered adj 有(某种)手指的,指(掌)状的;′fingering n 指法





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