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单词 were


1.would be将是,将会;该是,该会。
△Lr.4.6.189 (184):“It were a delicate stratagem to shoe/A troop ofhorse with felt.”一队马的蹄子都钉上了毡呢,倒是一条妙计。
△Mac.3.4.138(137):“Returning were as tedious asgo o'er.”向后转将会和向前进一样苦恼。
△2H.IV. 3. 2. 156(143):“It were superfluous,”那就不必要了。
△H.V.4.1.14: “A good soft pillow for that good white head/Were better than a churlish turf of France.”你那白发苍苍的头本该睡在一个软软的枕头上,而不该枕在法国的一块粗硬的草泥上。
△2H.VI.2.3.14:“Welcome is banishment,welcome were my death.”欢迎放逐,死刑我也会欢迎的。
△3H.VI.5.6.4:“'Good Gloucester' and 'good dev-il'were alike,”“好葛罗斯特”和“好魔鬼”大概也是一样。
2. should have been,would be该会,也许会。
△1H.VI.2.4.3:“Within the Temple Hall we were too loud;”我们争吵起来声音太大,在圣殿大厅里也许有所不便。
3.(used as subjunctive) If...were(表示虚拟语气)假如。
△Ado.2.1.7 (6): “He were an excellent man that were made just in the midway between him and Bene-dick.”假如他是介于他自己与班尼狄克之间的那么一个人(又译:假如把他跟班尼狄克折衷一下),他便会成为顶好的一个人了。
were better: had better最好。
△Ham.2.2.556 (525):“After your death you were better have a bad epitaphthan their ill report while you live.”i.e. It were bet-ter for you to have a bad epitaph,etc. 你宁可死后得一个不体面的墓志铭,也别在生前受他们一场不客气的品评。
were not: would not be 不会。
△2H.VI.2.4. 64:“Wouldst have me rescue thee from this reproach?/Why,yet thy scandal were not wiped away,/ But I indanger for the breach of law.”你是要我把你从这场耻辱中解救出来吗? 唉,你的羞耻恐怕不会洗刷掉,而我可要有犯法的危险了。
were't: even if it were即使是。
△Oth.2.3. 351 (342):“And then(= And then it is most easy) for her/Towin the Moor,were't to renounce his baptism,/ Allseals and symbols of redeemed sin.” renounceall signs of his Christian faith. 她也可以同样容易地说服那摩尔人,哪怕是叫他背弃自己的洗礼,抛弃一切赎罪的印记和标志(指叫他抛弃自己的基督教信仰)。





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