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单词 rage
rage/reɪdʒ/ n [-s/ ɪz/] vi [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)暴(狂)怒((sudden feeling of) violent anger)[CU]:go/fly into a~大发脾气/勃然大怒;be in a~生气;He smashed the picture in a (fit of)~. 一怒之下,他把那张画撕碎了。His~over the crime was beyond words. 他对那桩罪行所感到的愤怒难以形容。be livid/white/purple with~气得脸发青/白/紫;tremble/quiver/boil with~ 气得发抖/颤/火;be hot with~ 怒火中烧;〖同〗anger;〖反〗calm;

(2)(风,海等之)凶猛(狂暴)((instance of)violent movement of nature)[CU](fig):the~of sea/storm/wind 汹涌的大海/凶猛的暴风雨/怒吼的狂风;〖同〗storm;

(3)热衷,风行(strong interest or fashion)[Ca~][N(for)]:one of the latest~s 最新的时尚之一;She has a~for collecting stamps. 她热衷于集邮。There was a~for shoes with pointed toes some years ago. 几年前,流行尖头皮鞋。〖同〗fashion;

(all) the rage 风靡一时,流行:This song was all the~at that time. 这首歌当时很流行。

vi (1)大发脾气,发怒(feel or exhibit violent anger)[II+prep(at/against)]:Keep your temper,don't~. 冷静点,别动怒。~at sb/one's weakness 对某人/自己的软弱感到很生气;~against sb for disobeying/for sb's remarks 因某人不听话/某人所说的话而怒不可遏;

(2)(暴风、雨、火、战斗等)肆虐((of stormsfiresbattlesetc) continue with great violence)[I]:The storm (The monsoon/A gale)~d all night/round the house/through the western islands/with extreme violence. 暴风雨(季风/大风)刮了一整夜/在房屋的周围怒吼/袭击了西部群岛/刮得异常猛烈。The fire~d furiously throughout the area. 那场大火在整个地区猛烈地燃烧。The debate~d furiously the whole day. 激烈的辩论进行了一整天。The battle~d furiously for several weeks. 那场激战持续了几星期。

(3)(疾病)流行((disease) spread rapidly and uncontrollably)[II+prep]:The famine/Pestilence/The disease/Cholera is~ing very fiercely (badly) there (through the town). 那里(整个镇子上)饥荒/流行病/这种疾病/霍乱十分猖獗(相当严重)。

→′raging adj 痛苦的;极端的;






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