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单词 field
释义 field1 ld; fild/ n [C] 1 area of land, either grass land for cattle, etc or arable land for crops, usu enclosed by means of hedges, fences, etc (not normally used of unenclosed land or uncultivated land): 田野; 田地 (通常由篱笆等围起,不甬以指未被围起或未开垦的土地): working in the ~s 在田地里工作 (Cf 参较 on the farm). What a fine ~ of wheat! 多么味的一片麦田! 2 (usu in com pounds) wide area or expanse; open space: (通常用于复合字中) 广润的区域; 茫茫的一片; 空地; 场地: an 'ice- ~, eg round the North Pole; 冰原 (例如北极周围者); a 'flying- ~; 飞机场; a 'landing ~ (for aircraft); (飞机的) 起落场; a 'baseball/'cricket/ 'football ~. 棒球 (板球,足球) 场。 '~events n pl athletic contests such as jumping and discusthrowing, but not races or other contests that take place on a track. 田赛 (跳高,跳远,乡铁饼等项) 。 '~ glasses n pl long-distance binoculars for outdoor use. (户外用) 双筒望远镜。 ' ~ sports n pl hunting, shooting and fishing. 野外运动 (狩猎,射击,钓鱼) 。 3 (usu in compounds) area of land from which minerals, etc are obtained: (通常用于复合字中) 矿田; 产地: 'gold- ~s; 金矿产地; a new 'oil- ~; 新油田; 'coal- ~s. 煤田。 4 province or department of study or activity: (学术或活动) 范围; 领域; 界: Me ~ of politics/art/science/medicine. 政治 (艺术,科学, 医学) 界 → That is outside my ~, is not in the departments of knowledge that I have studied. 那不在我所学的范围内。 ' ~ work n [U] scientific, technical or social investigation made outside laboratories, etc eg by surveyors, geologists or by students of social science who visit and talk to people. 野外调查工作; 实地调查工作 (例如测量者,地质学家或社会科学学者所做的勘查工作) 。 5 range (of operation, activity, use); area or space in which forces can be felt: (动作,活动或作用之) 范围; 力量可被感到的区域: a magnetic round a magnet; 磁场; a wide ~ of vision; 广阔的视野; an object that fills the ~ of a telescope; 由车镜看到的一个物体; the earth's gravitational ~, the space in which the earth's gravity is exerted. 地心吸引力的弛围。 6 place, area, where a battle or war is or was fought: 战场: the ~ of battle ('battle- ~); 战场; take the ~, go to war. 开战; 出阵。 ' ~ artillery; '~gun n light and mobile, for use in battle. 野战炮。 '~day n day on which military operations are practised; (fig) great or special occasion. 野外演习日; (喻) 重大事件。 have a ~ day, (fig) have a celebration or triumph. (喻) 庆祝一番; 喜气洋洋; 得意扬扬。 '~-hospital n temporary hospital near the scene of fighting. 野战医院。 F~ 'Marshal n army officer of highest rank. 陆军元帅。 ' ~- officer n major or colonel. (陆军) 校改军首。 '~-work n temporary fortification made by troops in the 战地临时筑成的防御工事。 7 (sports and athletics) (in foxhunting) all those taking part in the hunt; (in a contest, esp a horse-race) all the competitors; (in cricket and baseball) team that is not batting; (cricket) the fielding side. (户外活动及运动) (猎狐) 全体猫者; 参加比赛者的总称; (赛马) 全体参加比赛的马; (板球和棒球) 守队; (板球) 守队队员; 外场员。




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