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单词 fidget
释义 fidget /'fidjxt; (fidyt/ vi, vt [VP2A, C, 6A] ~ (about) (with), (cause sb to) move the body (or part of it) about restlessly; make (sb) nervous: (使某人) 坐立不安; (使某人) 烦躁不安: Stop ~ing! 不要坐立不安! The boy was ~ing (about) with his knife and fork. 那孩子不停地挥动他的刀叉。 What's ~ing you, making you nervous or uneasy? 何事使你烦隗不安? Hurry up, your father's beginning to ~, show signs of impatience. 赶快,你父亲开始不耐烦了。 n 1 (usu 通常作 the ~s) ~ing movements: 坐立不安; 烦躁不安: Having to sit still for a long time often gives small children the ~s. 必须静坐很久,往往使小孩们烦躁不安。 2 person who ~s: 坐立不安者; 烦躁不安者: What a ~ you are! 你真是个坐立不安的人! ~y adj having the ~s; restless: 坐立不安的; 烦躁不安的: a ~y child. 烦躁的小孩。




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