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单词 fiddle
释义 fiddle /'fidl; fidl/ n 1 (colloq) violin; any instrument of the violin family, eg a cello or viola. (俗) 小提琴; 提琴类的乐器 (例如大提琴或中音提琴) 。 have a face as long as a ~, look dismal. 板着脸; 显得愁眉苦脸。 fit as a ~, very well; in good health. 精神健旺; 身体健壮。 play second ~ (to), take a less important part (than). 居于 (…的) 次位。 ~-stick n bow1 (2). 拉提琴的弓。 '~sticks int Nonsense! 胡说! 2 instance of fiddling; → 3 below. 虚报帐目等 (参看下列第 3 义) 。 Qvt, [VP6A, 2A] (colloq) play the play a tune, etc on the ~. (俗) 奏小提琴; 以小提琴奏出 (一曲调等) 。 2 [VP2A, C] ~ (about) (with), make aimless movements; play aimlessly (with sth in one's fingers): 做无目的之动作; 用手指无聊地顺弄 (与 with 连用, 后接某物): Stop fiddling! 不要虚耗光阴! He was fiddling (about) with a piece of string. 他在无聊地玩弄一条绳子。 3 [VP6A] (sl) make or keep dishonestly inaccurate records of figures (in business accounts, etc): (俚) 虚报帐目等: ~ an income-tax return, prepare it so as to try to escape correct tax payments. 虚报所得税申报书。 fiddler n person who plays the ~; person who ~s (3). 奏提碧者; 虚报帐目等者。 fiddling adj (colloq) trivial; futile: (商琐细的; 无益的: fiddling little jobs. 琐细的工作。




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