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单词 一刀两断

一刀两断一刀两段yī dāo liǎng duàn

cut in (/into) two at one stroke (of the knife); be through with sb. for good; break with sb. (/sth)once and for all; disassociate oneself with; have finished with; make a clean break with sb.; sever at one blow (/stroke)
❍ 刘洪一把抱住道: “你若从我,万事皆休,若不从时,~!” (《西游记》109) …but Liu Hong threw his arms around her and caught her. “If you consent to my demand,”he said,“everything will be all right. If you do not.this knife will cut you in two!”/散队回家,剑平一见伯伯就气愤的跟他提起这件事,末了说:“你去告诉他,他要不把狗牌拿掉,马上退籍,咱就跟他~!”(高云览《小城春秋》9) After the parade,Jianping reported to Old Tian what had happened.“You can tell him for me,” he angrily concluded,“either he takes down that dog’s placard and gives up his Japanese citizenship,or I’m through with him for good!”/我跟庞家~啦,找我干吗?(老舍《茶馆》59)I’ve finished with the Pangs. Why look me up?/他已经晓得,秋丝瓜的妹妹早要跟刘雨生~。(周立波《山乡巨变》88) He already knew that his sister had wanted for a long time to make a break with Liu Yusheng,…/杨小梅! 你要是我的老婆,马上卷起铺盖跟我走! 不是我的老婆,咱俩就~! (袁静《新儿女英雄传》102) Mei,if you’re my wife,you’ll roll up our bedding and leave with me now. Otherwise,we split for good.


sever at one blow;make a clean breast

一刀两断yī dāo liǎnɡ duàn

比喻坚决果断地断绝彼此的关系。make a clean break, serve at one blow, break with sb. once for all, break off all relations with, be through





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