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单词 一傅众咻

一傅众咻yī fù zhòng xiū

one man teaching while a multitude of men making a din—study in a bad environment with too much interference
❍ 有楚大夫于此,欲其子之齐语也,……一齐人傅之,众楚人咻之,虽日挞而求其齐也,不可得矣。(《孟子·滕文公下》)Suppose that there is a great officer of Chu here,who wishes his son to learn the speech of Qi…If but one man of Qi be teaching him,and there be a multitude of men of Chu continually shouting out about him,although his father beat him every day,wishing him to learn the speech of Qi it will be impossible for him to do so.





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