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单词 vantage


1. profit,benefit,advantage 利益,好处,有利条件。
△ Gent.1.3.82: “with the vantage of mine own ex-cuse”,利用了我自己的推托之词。
△ Ham.3.3.31:“ ’Tismeet that some more audience than a mother,/ Sincenature makes them (i.e.mothers) partial,shouldo'erhear / The speech,of vantage.” (of vantage: ❶from a position of advantage;
❷in addition.)除了一个母亲之外,最好另外有一个人在旁偷听他们的谈话,因为母亲们出于本性,难免偏私。
△ Mac.1.3.112: “or did line the rebel / With hidden help and vantage.” i.e.or supported the rebel with secret help and opportunity. 还是暗中支持叛逆,予以便利。
△ R.III.5.2.22: “All for our vantage.” 一切都对我们有利。
vantage of: benefits derived from 从…取得的利益。
△ R.III.1.3.310 (309):“Yet you have all the vantage of her wrong.”但是从她的委屈中所能取得的利益都由你一个人占有了。
2. superiority,condition favourable to success 优势,有利条件。
△ 2H.IV.2.3.53: “If they get ground and vantage of the King,Then join you with them.”(Ground and vantage are synonymous.) 如果他们打败国王,占了上风,你再去参加他们那边。
△ Mid.1.1.102:“If not with vantage”,即使不(比他)更优越。
vantage of ground: favourable position. superior position,higher ground 有利地位,优越地位,更高地面。
△ 2H.IV.2.1.87 (78):“I think I am like to ride the mare,if I have any vantage of ground to get up.”只要我能找到一个有利地位爬上去,我想我说不定还要把那匹母马压在我身子下面哩。
△ R.III.5.3.15:“Let us survey the vantage of the ground.”让我们去视察有利地形。
3. superiority,i.e. superior resources. superior strength 优势,(指)优越资源,优势力量。
△ H.V.3.6.154(142):“for to say the sooth,/ Though ’tis no wisdom to confess so much / Unto an enemy of craft and vantage,/ My people are with sickness much enfeebled,”因为,老实说,虽然对于一个狡猾而又占据优势的敌人说话如此坦率,未免太不明智,我手下的人因为害病而大大削弱了。4. military advantage. tactical advantage 军事优势,战术优势。
△ 1H.VI.4.5.28:“You fled for vantage,every one will swear.”你逃走是为了策略关系,人人都可以断言的。5. benefit,profit,gain,i.e. dowry 好处,利益,获得,(指)嫁妆。
△ 2H.VI.1.1.131 (130): “And our King Henry gives away his own / To match with her that brings no vantages.”而我们的国王亨利却赔本娶了一个不带任何嫁妆的女子。
to the vantage: in addition,over and above,to boot. besides 另外,在这之外,除此以外,此外。
△ Oth.4.3.86(84): “Yes. a dozen;and as many to the vantage as would store the world they played for.”有,总有一打;此外还有更多,足够塞满她们用冒险换来的世界。
6. opportunity. favourable opportunity 机会,有利机会
△ Mer.3. 2.175 (174): “And be my vantage to exclaim on you.”我可要借那个机会申斥你。
△Gent.4.1.29:“Without false vantage,or base treachery.”并不是靠着什么不正当的机会或者卑鄙的诡计。
△ Shr. 3.2.147(144): “watch our vantage in this business”,相机行事
△ Ham.5.2.403 (389):“I have some rights. of memory in this kingdom,Which now to claim my van-tage doth invite me.”我在这个国家原有继承王位的权利,大家总可记得,现在它正好是我要求这个权利的机会。
△ Mac.1.2.31:“surveying vantage,”看见有机可乘。
△ 1.4.59:“It is war’s prize to take all vantages.”在战争中有权抓住 一切对自己有利的机会。
△3H.VI. 3.2.25: “God forbid that,for he’ll take vantages.” 上帝不许那样,因为他会抓住机会就上的。
△ R.III. 3. 7.37:“And thus I took the vantage of those few.”于是我就利用这几个人呼喊的机会。
take vantage: take advantage,take the opportunity趁此机会 。
△Lr . 2 . 2 . 178 ( 171 ):“Take vantage,heavyeyes,not to behold / This shameful lodging.” i . e.Take the opportunity afforded by sleep of not seeingthe stocks. 沉重的眼睛,正好趁此机会不去看这个可耻的住处。 time and vantage: an opportune time一个有利时机。
△2H . IV . 2 . 3 . 67: “there am I ,/ Till time and vantage crave my company.”我且在那里待着,等有利时机到来我再去合伙。


‖ vantage ground 有利地形,优越地位
vantage point 有利位置,优势





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