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单词 radio
radio/′reɪdiǝ ʊ, AmE ′-oʊ/ n & v

n (1)无线电通讯(system of sending or receiving sounds over a distance by means of electrical waves)[U]:contact the plane/send messages to each other by~通过无线电与飞机联系/相互传递消息;~waves/communication/frequency/telephone 无线电电波/通讯/频率/电话;a~receiver/transmitter/car/telescope 无线电接收机/发报机/通讯车/望远镜;~astronomy 射电天文学;

(2)无线电收(发)报机(piece of equipment used for sending or receiving messages by radio)[C](=radio set):They sent urgent messages to their allies on the clandestine~. 他们通过秘密电台把紧急情报发送给盟国。hear a warning on (over) a ship's~在船上的电台上听到了警告;

(3)收音机(piece of equipment that receives radio signals)[C](=wireless/radio set):a pocket/portable/transistor~袖珍/便携式/晶体管收音机;turn on/off/down the~打开收音机/关上收音机/调低收音机的音量;a new~(set) 一台新收音机;

(4)无线电广播(节目)(radio broadcast)[Uthe]:advertisement on~and television 广播和电视中的广告;listen to the~听广播;He thinks the~is poor these days. 他认为最近的广播节目不好。I heard on the~that it's going to rain tonight. 我从广播中听到今晚要下雨。a~play/programme/announcer/station/speech 广播剧/节目/员/电台/讲话;

→͵radio-con′trolled adj 无线电操纵的;͵radio-′frequency n 射频,无线电频率;′radiogram n 无线电报;收音电唱机;

v 用无线电联系(发报)(send a message by means of electrical waves)[I+prepT+nT+n+prepT+thatD+n+thatD+n+whD+to+n+thatD+to+n+whC+to+n+to-infpass]:They~ed before they landed. 上岸前他们用无线电进行了联系。~sb/New York/a message 用无线电和某人联系/与纽约联系/发信息;~(sb)for help/instructions 用无线电(向某人)呼救/请求指示;I~ed ((to) my parents) that I was safe. 我用无线电告知(父母)我很安全。~sb where one was 用无线电告知某人自己在什么地方;~sb to come back 用无线电联系某人,让其回来





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