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单词 rain
rain/reɪn/ n & v

n (1)雨(水)(water falling from clouds in the form of drops)[U]:walk in the~在雨中行走;go out in the~冒雨出去;Come in out of the~. 进来吧,别淋雨。 It looks like~. 像是要下雨。We have had too much~this summer. 今年夏天雨水太大。 R~fell at intervals throughout the night. 雨断断续续地下了一夜。~forest(热带)雨林;

(2)(某种类型的)雨(fall of rain of the specified type)[C](有adj修饰):There was a light/heavy~just now. 刚刚下了一场小/大雨。a fine/spring/thin~一场毛毛/春/淅淅沥沥的雨;

(3)雨季(season or time of rainy weather)[Cthes]:The road is impassable during the~s. 在雨季这条路不能通行。The~s come in spring. 雨季在春天来临。

(4)大量的东西(great number of things falling like rain)[U,通常a~][N(of)](尤fig):a~of bullets/ashes/congratulations/questions/tears 一阵弹雨/雨点般落下的灰尘/纷纷的祝贺/连珠炮似的问题/雨点般的眼泪;A~of pamphlets fell from the plane. 从飞机上飘落下大量的传单。

rain or shine 不论发生任何事,不怕(管)天气如何:I get up at five in the morning,~or shine. 不论天气如何,我都早晨5点钟起床。

→′rainless adj 无雨的;′rainy adj 多雨的,含雨的;′rainbow n 彩虹;′raincoat n 雨衣;′raindrop n 雨点;′rainfall n 降雨量;′rain-gauge n 雨量器;′rainproof adj 防雨的;′rain-water n 雨水,软水;

v (1)下雨((of rain)fall from the clouds)[I](用it作主语):It has~ed all the week. 雨下了一个星期。~very hard/heavily/thick and fast/a little 雨下得很大/很大/又密又急/很小;〖同〗pour,shower;

(2)雨点般地落下((cause to) fall like rain)[II+prep(on/upon),T+n]:Bullets~ed about him. 子弹雨点般地落在他的周围。Ash~ed from the sky. 灰尘从天空中落下。Misfortune has/Blows have~ed heavily on the old man. 那位老人遭受接踵而至的不幸/受到一连串沉重的打击。The box burst open and the books in it~ed on the floor. 盒子突然开了,里面的书撒了一地。It~ed many small fish last night. 昨天夜里天上掉下了许多小鱼。~cats and dogs 大雨倾盆;〖同〗 drop,fall;

(3)大量给予(give a great deal of sth)[T+n+prep(on)]:The students~ed (down) flowers/gifts on their teacher. 学生们给予他们的老师很多鲜花/礼物。They~ed down congratulations/praise/thanks on John. 他们纷纷向约翰表示祝贺/赞扬/感谢。

It never rains but it pours. 一下雨就是倾盆大雨;祸不单行:John got sick,then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never~s but it pours. 约翰病了,接着他的兄弟姐妹都病了。真是祸不单行。

rain down (v adv) 雨点般地落下(vi & vt):Sparks/Loose rocks~ed down. 火花/松动的石块雨点般地落下。Troubles~ed down. 麻烦接踵而至。Tears/Bombs came~ing down. 眼泪/炸弹雨点般地落下。Tears~ed down her cheeks. 泪水从她脸上滚滚落下。

rain down (on)(v adv prep)使雨点般地落下(到……上):Sticks/Arrows~ed down on him. 棍子狠狠地打/箭纷纷落在他身上。Abuse/Gifts/Invitation~ed down on him. 他不断地受到辱骂/收到礼物/得到邀请。They~ed down curses on her head. 他们不断地诅咒她。

rain off/(AmE) out (v adv)使因下雨而停止举行(vt):Today's football match has been~ed off (out). 今天的足球赛因下雨而被取消了。





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