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单词 range
range/reɪndʒ/ n [-s/ ɪz/]; v [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(山)脉,列(extended line or seriesesp of mountains)[C]:a mountain-~山脉; two~s of cliffs 两排峭壁;The plain lies beyond this~of hills. 那平原在这连绵不断的山那边。

(2)(类似物的)组合(系列)(large selection or variety of similar things)[C][N(of)]:offer/sell/stock a wide (large)~of books/products/electrical goods/foods/dresses 提供/出售/备有各种各样(品种繁多)的图书/产品/电气商品/食品/服装;have a narrow/wide~of options/choices/hobbies/interests 有狭窄的/广泛的选择余地/选择/爱好/兴趣;The computer has a whole~of applications. 这台计算机有整套的应用程序。a complete~of farming tools 一整套农具;a new car in VW~一辆新型的大众汽车公司生产的汽车;〖同〗variety,scope,selection;

(3)变化范围(幅度)(measurable limits within which any change takes place)[C]:There are three basic price~s. 有三个基本价格范围。The~of prices was great/narrow. 价格涨落的变化很大/不大。a~of prices from 5 cents to 25 dollars 价格从5美分到25美元不等;the salary~for the post 这一职位的工资幅度;I am hoping for a salary within the~from £4000 to £5000. 我现在希望能得到4000到5000英镑的工资。people in the $10,000 to $20,000 income~收入在一万到两万美元的人;the annual~of temperature全年温度变化幅度;a wide~of ability in a class 一个水平(能力)相差很大的班;

(4)有效范围(区域)(limits within which a person or thing can function effectively)[C][N(of)]:beyond/outside/within the~of one's eyes/one's ears/one's voice/one's ability/one's responsibilities 超出/超出/没有超出自己的视力/自己的听力/自己的声音所能达到的/自己的能力/自己的责任范围;come within sb's~of vision进入某人的视野;~of the transmitter 无线电发射的有效范围;be out of~of sb's voice 听不到某人声音的地方;a voice in the low tenor~次高音区的嗓音;a frequency that is far above the~of our ears 一个我们根本听不到的频率;The subject/What you ask is outside/out of my~. 那个题目/你问的问题已超出了我的研究范围/我不懂。take a long-~shot 远距离拍摄;〖同〗compass,scope;

(5)射(航)程(distance over which a gunetc can shoot;distance that a planevehicleetc can cover without landing for fuel)[Ua~;C]:a cannon with a~of 20 miles 射程20英里的大炮;a missile with a~of 2,000 kms 射程2000公里导弹;shoot/fire at a~of 200 yard 在200码处射击/开火;shoot (fire) at a close/point-blank/short/long~在近/近/短/长距离内射击;It is a powerful gun,but its~is very limited. 这支枪杀伤力很大,但它的射程非常有限。have a~of five miles 有五英里的射程;Their tanks stayed just beyond/out of/within/in (firing)~of our big guns. 他们的坦克正好在我们大炮的射程之外/之外/之内/之内。The~of this car/this ship/this plane is about 160 miles. 这汽车/船/飞机的航程约160英里。

(6)靶场,发射场(地)(area set aside for shooting practice or rocket testing)[C]:a rifle-~步枪射击靶场;an army~军用射击场;a missile~in the Nevada desert在内华达州沙漠里的导弹发射基地;

(7)动植物的生长(分布)区域(region in which a species of plants or animals normally grows or lives)[C]:The~of this tree/this flower is South America. 这种树/花生长在南美洲。What's the~of the elephant in Africa? 大象生长在非洲的什么地方?

(8)牧(猎)场(big area of land where cattle can feed or people can hunt)[C](AmE):Cattle are driven north each spring across the open~. 每年春天人们都越过那片开阔的牧场把牛群朝北赶。

(9)炉灶((esp formerly) large stove with burners and one or more ovens)[C](fml):a kitchen/gas~厨房/燃气炉灶;〖同〗oven;

→′range-finder n 测距仪;

v (1)伸(绵)延(extend or run in a specified direction)[无progII+prep(across/]:a ridge~ing westward from the peak 从山峰向西延伸的山脊;Trees~d along the road. 树顺着路一直延伸下去。The hills~across the country to the sea. 群山横贯该国,一直延伸到海边。His kingdom~d from the River Humber to the River Trent. 他的王国从翰伯河一直延伸到伦特河。

(2)排列(放)(place in a particular orderesp in a row)[尤passT+nT+n+prep]:The general~d his troops. 将军把队伍排列好。The boys~d themselves in order of size/along the river bank. 男孩子们自己按高矮/沿着河岸站好了队。Books were~d according to size/by size/in alphabetical order/in rows. 把书按大小/按大小/按字母顺序/一排排摆放好。~the books on a shelf/in the shop window把书一排排地摆在书架上/橱窗里;〖同〗rank;

(3)分(归)类(put into a specific category;classify)[T+n+prep(with)]:~oneself with the angels/the liberals/the opposition/the leader 把自己划归为天使/自由主义者/反对派/领导者之列;They were~d against us. 他们站在反对我们的一边。~the medicinal herbs according to their use 把草药按用途分类;

(4)变化(vary between specific limits)[I+prep(between/]:The children's ages~d from (between) three to (and) eighteen. 孩子们的年龄在3岁至18岁之间。The temperature~d from(between)0℃ to (and) 30℃. 温度在零度至30度之间。 Their politics~d from(between) liberal to (and) radical. 他们的政治见解有自由主义的,也有激进的。The quality of food~d from (between) good to (and) excellent. 食品的质量有好的,也有极好的。〖同〗vary,extend,run,reach,stretch;

(5)漫游,徘徊(wander about (in) an area)[II+prep(over/through),T+n]:The cattle~d over many miles in search of food. 那群牛为找食物走了许多里路。~through the forests/through the desert/over the mountains 在森林里/沙漠里/山里漫游;Her eye~d over the crowded room,seeking her boy-friend. 她的目光在挤满了人的屋子里扫视,寻找她的男朋友。He loves~ing hills and valleys. 他喜欢游历山川峡谷。〖同〗wander;

(6)包括,涉及(cover;include;deal with topics)[II+prep(over)]:The conversation~d widely. 谈话涉及到许多方面。His studies (speech/research)~d over a number (variety) of topics/matters/fields/subjects. 他的研究(发言/研究)涉及到许多(各种各样)的题目/事情/领域/问题。a wide-~ing discussion 范围很广的讨论;

(7)射程为((of guns or bulletsetc)be able to fire or travel a distance)[I+prep(over),L+n]:The gun/rifle~s (over) three miles. 这门大炮/这支枪的射程为(超过)三英里。

→′ranger n (BrE)皇家森林(地产等的)管理员;高年级的女童子军;(AmE)武装骑警;突击队员;

【辨异】rangescope 都表示有限的程度或宽度。range表示程度和差异,如:the range of sb's interests(某人的兴趣范围);scope(范围)表示在适当的范围内有很大的自由,如:the scope of sb's obligations(某人的义务与职责范围)。





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