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单词 穷困潦倒

穷困潦倒穷愁潦倒;穷途潦倒qióng kùn liǎo dǎo

at rock-bottom; be down and out; be penniless (/broke) and frustrated; be overwhelmed by misfortune and misery; fall on evil days; in a state of utter poverty; out at (the) elbows; on the beach;sick and poor
❍ 朱延年回到家里的态度和在福祐药房时完全两样,垂头丧气地坐在卧房的单人沙发里,摆着一副长马脸,没有一丝笑容,象是~得再也扶持不起来的样子。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—171) When Zhu Yannian returned home he put on a face completely different from his attitude while he had been at the Fu You Pharmacy: he sat dejectedly in an armchair in his bedroom with a long face that was completely un smiling,looking as if he was so overwhelmed by misfortune and misery that he would never be able to rise to his feet again.
❍ 艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯。(杜甫 《登高》) Troubles and sorrow have turned my hair|Grey; sick and poor,I now|Even stop drinking wine!

穷困潦倒qiónɡ kùn liǎo dǎo

潦倒:形容穷困不得意。形容贫穷,非常失意。live a life of poverty, down and out, fall on evil days





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