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单词 rack
rack/ræk/ n & vt

n (1)(挂放物品的)架子(framework for holdingcarrying a specific load or object)[C]:a book-/clothes-/hat-/luggage-/baggage/tool-/plate-/rifle-/wine-~书/衣服/帽子/行李/行李/工具/碟子/枪/酒瓶架;Put the luggage on the~for me,please. 请替我把行李放在行李架上。

(2)旧时的刑具(instrument of torture in former times)[Cthe~]:put the prison on the~给那个犯人上刑;

(3)齿条(轨)(toothed bar designed to engage a wheel with teeth round its edge)[C]:a steering~(缆车上的)齿轨;

on the rack 受折磨:He was on the~during the entire exam. 在整个考试过程中,他的身心十分紧张。

→′rack-rent n 高额租金;

vt (1)上刑(torture on the rack)[T+n]:~sb 给某人上刑;

(2)使痛(疼)苦(cause great suffering to)[T+n,尤pass]:be~ed with pain 痛苦万分;be~ed with wars/fever/grief/a bad cough 备受战争/发烧/悲伤/严重咳嗽的痛苦;be~ed by remorse/doubts 悔恨交加/饱受怀疑的折磨;Her voice was~ed by weeping. 由于哭泣,她的嗓子说不出话了。Pain~ed his entire body. 疼痛折磨他的全身。〖同〗torture;

rack one's brain 绞尽脑汁:I~ed my brains to find the answer. 我绞尽脑汁要找到答案。

→′racking adj 疼痛难挨





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