anti-quake and relief work
风雹 wind and hail storms
洪水 flood; deluge; inundation
洪涝 water logging
山洪 torrential flood; mountain torrents
海啸 tsunami;tidal waves
转移安置 evacuate and relocate
救灾应急响应 emergency disaster relief operations to handle (or cope with,manage)disaster
国家减灾委员会 State Disaster Relief Committee (SDRC)
灾情会商机制 disaster management consultation mechanism
救灾物资储备 relief supplies reserve
跨省对口支援 inter-provincial “one-to-one”assistance initiative
春荒冬冷 spring famine and winter cold
中华慈善总会 China Charity Federation
灾后恢复建设 post-disaster reconstruction
两孤两院(孤儿和孤老、孤儿院和敬老院)orphans,the old and childless; orphanage and home for the aged
捐赠点 donation collection point
闲置衣物 unused clothing
使经常化 put…on a regular basis
安度晚年 live a comfortable life in one’s old age (or in one’s late years)
居家养老 to be provided for at home
“三无”老人(无生活来源,无劳动能力,无法定抚养人、赡养人)the “three without”elderly—without living means,without working ability and without legal supporters
补缺型福利制度residual welfare system
捐赠在所得税中有相应抵扣donation volume can be accordingly deducted from the taxable income