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单词 race
race1/reɪs/ n [-s/ ɪz/]; v [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(速度)竞赛,赛跑(contest of speedas in running)[C][N(with/against/between)]:come first/second in the (100-yard/100-metre)~在(100码/100米)赛跑中得第一/二; have a horse-/boat-/yacht-/bicycle-/motorcycle-/cross-country /foot- /Marathon~with sb 与某人进行赛马/赛船/快艇比赛/自行车赛/摩托车赛/越野赛/竞走/马拉松赛;run/lose/win a~参加/输掉/赢得一场比赛;swim a 1000-metre~参加一场1000米游泳比赛;fix up a~between two schools 安排两校间的赛跑;the~s 赛马,运动会;He was celebrating the huge win at the~s. 他在庆祝运动会上取得的巨大胜利。〖同〗contest,competition;

(2)竞争(赛,选)(activity done in a competition with sb else)[C]:the armament (arms)~军备竞赛;the~for the president/White House 总统竞选/入主白宫的竞选;withdraw from the US Senate~退出美国参议员竞选;run in an electoral~参加竞选;enter the mayoral~参加市长竞选;〖同〗campaign,contest;

(3)(水的)激流(strong rapid current of water)[C]:a tidal~潮汐流;a mill-~水磨房的进水槽;

(4)人生的历程(span or course of time or life)[C](lit):He has run his~. 他走完了他的生命旅程。the~of life 人生历程;

a race against time 和时间赛跑(努力按时完成):It was a~against time to get the roof repaired before the rains come. 要在雨季到来之前把房顶修好时间很紧迫。

→′racecard n 赛马项目单;′racecourse(BrE) n 赛马场(跑道);′racegoer n 经常观看赛马的人;′racehorse n 赛马用的马;′race-meeting (BrE) n 赛马大会;′race-track n 赛车道;(AmE)赛马场;

v (1)进行速度竞赛,赛跑(马,车等)(engage in a contest of speed with another)[II+prep(against/with),I+to-infT+nT+n+prep]:The horse/dog/pigeon hasn't~d in months. 这马/狗/鸽子已经几个月没有参加比赛了。~against (with) other runners/one another 与其他选手赛跑/相互赛跑;~for the prize (to win the prize)为夺奖而赛跑;These horses are~ing to see which of them is the fastest. 这些马正在比赛,以赛出跑得最快的马。~vintage car/pigeons/horses 进行老式汽车赛/鸽子赛/赛马;~sb home/to the bus-stop/to the school 与某人比赛看谁先到家/汽车站/学校;He~ed his bicycle against a bus. 他骑车和公共汽车赛跑。〖同〗run,compete;〖反〗crawl,creep;

(2)(使)快速移动((cause to) go very fast)[II+prepI+advI+to-infT+nT+n+prep]:Let's~from here to the station. 让我们从这儿一直跑到车站。~to the office/across the road on one's bike飞速骑车到办公室/穿过马路;~about the square/after the others 在广场上跑来跑去/跑着追其他人;~away/in飞快地跑掉了/跑进来;Summer is/The holidays are~ing by (past).(fig)夏天/假期很快要过去了。He overslept and had to~to catch the train. 他睡过头了,只好飞奔着去赶火车。~the sick boy to hospital/the manuscript to the printers迅速把那个有病的男孩送到医院/把底稿送到印刷工人那儿;〖同〗 rush,fly,dash;

(3)进行(参加)比赛(engage in a race)[IT+n]:They all~d at this athletics meeting. 他们都参加了这次田径运动会的比赛。~vehicles/dogs 进行汽车/狗的比赛;

(4)(使)高速运转((cause to) operate or run at high speed)[IT+n]:The pilot waited to take off,the engines(of the plane)~ing. 飞行员在等待起飞,发动机高速运转着。~the engine 使发动机空转;〖同〗operate;

→′racer n 参赛者(马、狗等);′racing n 赛马或赛车的嗜好(运动或职业);






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