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单词 raise
raise/reɪz/ vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

vt (1)举(抬,扬)起(lift sth to a higher position)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:The weight is too heavy,I can't~it. 那件东西太重,我提不起来。~one's head/one's hand/one's eyes 抬头/手/眼;~a flag/a glass 举旗/杯;~one's eyebrows at seeing him come back so early 看到他回来那么早感到很惊讶;~one's hand in solution/one's hat to sb 向某人举手敬礼/脱帽致敬;~one's finger to one's lips 把手指放在嘴边;The car (wind)~d a dust/the fallen leaves from the ground. 汽车(风)带起一片灰尘/地上的落叶。~a sunken ship up to the surface 将一艘沉船捞出水面;〖同〗lift,erect;

(2)扶(竖)起(set or place in an upright position)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~the fence 把栅栏立起来;~the baby to its feet/the man from his knee 把那娃娃/跪着的人扶起来;Slowly she~ed herself to her full height. 她慢慢地站直了。

(3)建起(constructbuild or erect)[T+nT+n+prep(to)](fml):The building was~ed on level ground. 那座楼拔地而起。~a statue/a monument/a memorial to (in memory of) sb 为(纪念)某人塑像/造一座纪念碑/建一座纪念馆;~a castle 建一座城堡;〖同〗set up,build;

(4)增加,提高(升)(increase in amountsizevalue;promote)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:~the value/the prices/the wages/the rent/the profits/the interests 提高价值/物价/工资/房租/利润/利息;~the standard of service 提高服务标准;~one's voice/sb's hopes 提高自己的声音/增加某人的希望;~the temperature of the discussion 使讨论的气氛热烈起来;~a person to the rank of executive manager/sb's salary to $100,000 a year/the temperature to 100℃ 把一个人提升到执行经理的位置/某人的工资提到年薪10万美元/温度升高到摄氏100度;~sb in rank 提升某人;The extra effort~d his blood pressure well above normal. 过度辛劳使他血压大大高过正常状态。The water-table has been~d by 1.1 metres. 地下水位上升了1.1米。

(5)发出(声音)(make or produce (a noise))[T+n]:~a shout/a cheer/an outcry/a pitiable cry/a protest/a fuss 喊叫/欢呼/叫喊/可怜地哭喊/提出抗议/大惊小怪;Don't~your voice at me.别朝我大声嚷嚷。

(6)唤醒,激(引)起(stir uparouse or awaken)[T+n]:~doubts/sb's interest/sb's fears/sb's suspicions/a smile/a laugh 引起怀疑/某人的兴趣/某人恐惧/某人怀疑/微笑/大笑;The teacher~d the student's spirits with encouragement. 老师的鼓励提高了那个学生的情绪。〖同〗 stir up,arouse,awaken;

(7)提出(put forward for consideration)[T+n]:~a question/a point/an issue/the subject 提出一个问题/观点/问题/那个题目;~no objection不反对;〖同〗put forward,advance,bring up;

(8)召募,筹集(gather together;collect)[T+n]:~an army/10,000 troops 召募军队/一万人的军队;~a loan/a subscription/money/funds 筹集贷款/捐款/钱财/资金;〖同〗collect;

(9)养育,饲养,种植(bring up;grow or breed)[T+n]:~a family (on one's income)/a child (on $50 a week)(靠自己的收入)养活一家人/(每周50美元)抚养一个孩子;~one's children to be decent people 把孩子们培养成有教养的人;~cattle/chickens/corn/wheat 饲养牛/饲养鸡/种植谷物/种小麦;〖同〗bring up,breed,grow;

(10)建立联系(contact sb on the radio or telephone)[T+n]:Can you~him on the phone? 你能用电话同他联系吗?~some place on the radio 用无线电同某地联系;

(11)解除(bring to an end;remove)[T+n]:~a siege/a blockade/a ban/an embargo/a restriction 解围/解除封锁/解除禁令/解除禁运/解除限制;The curfew was~d. 宵禁解除了。〖同〗end;

raise hell/Cain/the roof 大吵大闹(infml):The gang~d the roof with their singing. 那伙人唱歌的声音震天响。The children~d Cain in the living room. 孩子们在起居室里闹翻了天。

raise one's voice against(v prep)坚决反对……(vt):Several/Few/No/(Not)Many voices were~d against that decision. 有几个人/没有什么人/没有人/(没有)许多人反对那个决定。

n 晋升,涨工资(increase in wages;rising)[C](AmE):He received a~not only in salary but in position as well. 他不仅涨了工资,也获得了晋升。ask for a~要求涨工资;〖同〗rise





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