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单词 wrong
wrong/rɒŋ, AmE rɔ:ŋ/ adj [-er/-est more/most~]; advn & vt

adj (1)不应该的,不道德的(improper according to a code or convention):Telling lies/Cheating/Stealing is~.(It is~to tell lies/cheat/steal.) 说谎/作弊/偷窃是不道德的。It's~(for one) to take what does not belong to him/to spread nasty stories about people.(某人)拿走不属于自己的东西/传播别人的坏话是不对的。You were~to accuse him of what he didn't do/to take the car without permission. 你莫须有地指责他/未经许可就把汽车开走是不应该的。never do anything~决不做坏事;What's~with telling the truth? 说实话有什么不对? 〖同〗immoral;〖反〗moral;

(2)不合适(符合要求)的(not in accordance with the fact or truth):the~moment 不适宜的时刻;be on the~road走错了路;get on the~side走错方向;take the~train 上错了火车;do it the~way 做的方法不当;give the~direction/address/pronunciation 提供了错误的方向/地址/发音;take the~direction/way/turn(ing) 走错了方向/走错了路/拐错了弯儿;wear sth the~way round 穿反了;This is the~time to make a visit/to ask your father for money/to drop in now. 现在去拜访/向你父亲要钱/串门,时间不合适。This is the~part/role for me.(I am the~man for the part/the role.)这个角色不适合我。〖同〗improper;〖反〗proper;

(3)错误的,不正确的(mistaken or incorrect):be~about the facts/the whole matter/my age 搞错了事实/整个事情/我的年龄;be~in what one said/one's conjecture 自己说的那些/自己的猜测是错的;They were quite~in thinking that I was guilty/saying that they will certainly win. 他们认为我有罪/说他们一定会赢是大错特错了。That's where he's~. 在这一点上他错了。The decision/policy proved to be~. 这个决定/政策被证明是错误的。It seemed~to him that... ……在他看来好像是错了。it is~of sb to do sth 某人做某事是不对的;〖同〗incorrect,mistaken;〖反〗right,correct;

(4)有故障的,不正常的(out of order or not normal)[A(with)][作pred]:have something~with one's heart/one's liver/one's leg 某人的心脏/肝/腿有毛病;I hope there's nothing~with the baby/my eyes. 我希望孩子/我的眼睛没事儿。Is anything~with the machine/the engine/your car? 机器/发动机/你的车有什么故障吗? What's~with the baby/your watch? 孩子哪儿不舒服/你的表出了什么故障? Nothing is/goes~with me. 我一切都好。

get hold of/get the wrong end of the stick 完全搞错(infml):It isn't his fault and I got the~end of the stick. 不是他的错,是我完全搞错了。

wrong side out 里朝外:You got your socks worn~side out. 你把袜子里朝外穿反了。

→wrongly adv 错误地;不正当地;

adv错误地(wrongly):guess/answer/behave/act~猜错/回答不对/举止不当/行为有误;spell the word/sb's name~把这个词/某人的名字拼错了;hear sth~听错了某事;You've done the sum~. 你把运算做错了。What have I done~? 我做错什么了?〖同〗 incorrectly;〖反〗correctly;

get it/sb wrong 搞错,误解(infml):You got it/the answer all~. 你把它/答案全搞错了。Don't get me~! 不要误解我!

go wrong 1)做错事,变坏:Try to find out where we went~. 想法找出我们错在什么地方了。I'm not surprised she's gone~after mixing with such bad company. 她和那些坏家伙们混在一起变坏了我并不感到奇怪。2)出故障:My watch/television has gone~. 我的手表/电视机出毛病了。3)出现问题:Their relationship went~after the birth of their child.自从他们有了孩子之后,他们的关系就出了问题。

→͵wrong-′foot vt 使措手不及;͵wrong-′headed adj 坚持错误的;

n (1)坏事,过失,罪恶(sth contrary to ethics or morality)[U]:know right from~/the difference between right and~明辨是非;I know I did no~. 我知道我没有做任何错事。feel strongly about right and~有强烈的是非感;Twos don't make a right.(prov) 不能以错对错。

(2)不公正的事(seriously bad or unjust action)[C](fml):the~s done to men by fate 命运对人们的不公正;complain of one's~s 诉说自己的冤屈;do sb a great~/do a great~to sb 对某人十分不公正;suffer many~s 受了许多委屈;redress the social~s 匡正社会弊端;These~s should be righted. 不公正应得到纠正。〖同〗unfairness;〖反〗justice,fairness;

get in wrong with sb(AmE,infml)得罪某人:Don't get in~with him,and he is so powerful. 别得罪他,他有权有势。

in the wrong 1)有错误:They admitted that they were in the~. 他们承认是他们的错。2)冤枉:They tried to put me in the~. 他们想冤枉我。

→′wrongful adj 不公正的,不合法的;′wrongfully adv 不公正(合法)地;

vt (1)不公正地对待(be unfair to or cause suffering)[T+n,通常pass]:He was~ed by his boss. 老板对他不公正。I was~ed by being asked to do a lot with less pay. 让我干很多活儿而少付工钱,这对我不公平。〖同〗 ill-treat;〖反〗justify;

(2)冤枉,错怪(give unfair judgement)[T+n]:I~ed him in saying he had lied. 我说他说谎是冤枉了他。I knew I had~ed her terribly when I accused her of being unfaithful. 我知道我指责她不忠诚是完全错怪了她。





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