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单词 upon
upon/ ǝ′pɒn, AmE -′pɑ:n/ prep

(1)在……上面(covering touching fixed to the outer or upper side of):climb~a horse 跨上马背;leave the glasses~the table 把眼镜放在桌上;sit~the grass/the chair/the floor/the side of the bed 坐在草地上/椅子上/地板上/床边;float~the water 漂浮在水面上;travel~the Continent在欧洲大陆旅行;a picture~the wall/the blackboard 挂在墙/黑板上的画;a coat~a hook衣钩上挂着的上衣; a flag~a pole旗杆上的旗子;a ring~the finger手指上的戒指;(work) fall~one's shoulders(工作)落在某人肩上;eyes downcast~knitting 视线落在编织物上;lean~sb/sb's arm 靠在某人身上/某人胳臂上;have sth~one's mind(fig) 把某事牢记在心;

(2)在(当)……时(on the occassion of or immediately after and usu in consequence of):She was joyful~Robert's arrival/seeing her child take his first steps. 罗伯特到来之际/看到孩子初次迈步走路时她高兴万分。She went into mourning~her husband's death. 丈夫去世时她感到很悲痛。

(3)临(逼)近(in or into complete or approximate contact with):(enemy/winter) be~us(敌人/冬天)向我们逼近;Christmas holiday is~us. 圣诞节临近。

(4)在(某一点)上,对;在……中(with regard to;about;in the course of):discussion~the subject有关某主题的讨论;effect~students对学生的影响; attack~sb 对某人的攻击;be firm~that issue 对那事态度坚决;go further into the matter~the journey 在旅途中对此事进一步研究;be away~a visit外出走访不在家;congratulate sb~the phone在电话中祝贺某人;die~the same day 死于同一天;

(5)一个接一个(好多)(followed by):pile book~book 把书一本一本摞起来;suffer disaster~disaster接二连三遭天灾;The woodland stretched for mile~mile. 林地绵延数英里。

(6)用在固定成语中(大部分可用on代替):depend/insist/live~sth 依靠……/坚持……/以……为生;base/concentrate...~sth 把基础放在……上/专心于……;pride oneself~为……而自豪;bring shame/impose sth~sb 给某人带来羞耻/把某事强加在某人身上;go~a fact遵循某一事实;touch~a subject触及一个话题;work~sb (sth) 努力说服某人(致力于某事);be based/resolved~基于……/对……下定决心;look~sb as 把某人看作……;take it~oneself to 承担(去做某事的责任);Once~a time there were three bears and a farmer. 从前有三头熊和一个农夫。

【说明】upon和on在很多情况下可以互换,但upon是fml或lit用语;而on用得多一些,特别是在口语中。但在后面不紧跟宾语时用upon则多见,如:They don't have enough to live upon. (他们没有足够的衣食来源。)They had no evidence to go upon.(他们没有证据可依。)





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