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单词 until
until/ ən′tɪl/ conj & prep

conj 直到,到……为止(才),在……之前(不)(up to the time that;before;to the point that):I watched him~he disappeared from sight in the distanec. 我望着他消失在远方。The material was stretched~it was 50 cm long. 这种材料一直被拉长到50厘米。Give him no definite answer~I've seen him. 在我见到他之前,不要给他明确答复。It's a gripping story and one can't put it down~one has finished reading it. 这是个扣人心弦的故事,不看完你是不会放下的。I didn't reach the station~after the train had left. 火车已经开了,我才到达车站。U~she uttered a word I hadn't realized she was Japanese. 直到她开口说话,我才意识到她是个日本人。It was not~I saw Margaret,however, I felt happy next morning. 然而直到第二天早晨我见到玛格利特,才感到轻松愉快。It was not~I read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs. 直到读了你的信我才了解真相。They will fight~they have overthrown the capitalist system. 他们将一直战斗到把资本主义制度推翻。

prep 在……之前,一直到,到……才(before a specified time;up to as late as):~now/then到现在/那时;They talked on~one o'clock in the morning. 他们交谈到凌晨1点。They sat in class~recess. 他们上课到休息时间。I was in New York~recently. 最近我一直在纽约。 I stayed there~late. 我在那里待到很晚。Towards six o'clock, negotiations adjourned~the next day. 将近6点钟时,谈判暂停,待第二天再继续进行。There was a beautiful Mozart concert on the radio from six~seven. 从6点到7点播放优美动听的莫扎特广播音乐会。He lived at home~soon after his father's death. 父亲去世之前,他一直住在家;父亲一死,他就离开了。I never~yesterday spoke of it to anybody. 直到昨天,我从未向任何人透露过。Corn planting in some areas was not completed~mid-June. 某些地区玉米播种到6月中旬才结束。It was not~late afternoon that they began to tackle the major problem. 直到将近傍晚,他们才开始讨论主要问题。





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