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单词 unite
unite/ju′naɪt/ v [-d, -d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)(使)统一,合并,联合((cause to)become (as if) one unit;link by a legal or moral bond)[II+prep(with), T+n T+n+prep(with)]:The two colours mixed and~d. 两种颜色混合为一种颜色。The two associations are planning to~. 两个协会正在筹划合并。The countries~d to form a coalition. 这些国家联合组成一个同盟。 The provinces~d to form the monarchy. 这些省联合组成一个君主国家。 The firms~d to form one company. 这些商行联合组成一个公司。England and Scotland(were)~d under one parliament in 1707. 英格兰与苏格兰于1707年统一于一个国会的领导之下。Oxygen~s with hydrogen to form water. 氧与氢化合构成水。~two pipes/the parts把两个管子/零件接在一起;The school~d its music and theatre departments. 学校将音乐系与表演系合为一体。The crisis/threat of war/Common interests~d the whole country (two countries). 战争危机/战争威胁/共同利益使全国(两个国家)联合起来。be~d by marriage/the local priest 通过婚姻结合在一起/在当地牧师主持下成婚;~one's fate with sb else's 与某人共命运;be relieved to be~d with one's wife and family 得以与妻儿团聚而感到宽慰;〖同〗combine,join;〖反〗divide,separate,part,disjoin,split;

(2)团结协力,共同行动(act together as in a common cause)[I I+prep(in)]:Workers of all countries,~!全世界无产者联合起来!~to fight/in fighting poverty and disease 团结起来与贫穷、疾病作斗争;~(in the attempts) to form a club/find a solution (to the problem) 一致行动(试图)组成一个俱乐部/找到(问题的)解决办法;Let's~against the tyrant/for business purposes. 让我们齐心协力反对暴君/为了商业目的团结行动。〖同〗organize;

→u′nited adj;′unity n;






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