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单词 utmost
utmost/′ʌtmǝ ʊst, AmE ′-moʊst/,ut·ter·most, /′ʌtǝmǝ ʊst, AmE ′-moʊst/ adj [无comp]; n

adj 最大(远)的;极度的(of the highest degree;extreme)[作attrib]:with the~strength/interest 以最大的力量/兴趣;a matter of~concern 极受关注的事;in the~danger 在极度危险之中;to the~limits (of endurance)达到(忍耐的)最大极限;have the~confidence (in sb's ability)(对某人能力)有最大把握;take the ~care (of one's body) 极为关心(自己的身体健康);It was of the~importance that the bosses should not get wind of the matter. 极为重要的是千万不能让老板得知此事的风声。the~ends of the earth/regions of the north 地球的两极/最远的北部地区;〖同〗greatest,maximum,highest;chief,major,main,prime,primary;

n极限(度);最大能力(the highest point or degree;the best of one's abilities etc)[C the~]:(ship) provide the~in comfort/luxury(船)提供最大限度的舒适/极为豪华; try one's power to the~最大限度地发挥个人的能力;enjoy oneself to the~尽情享受;His endurance was tested to the~. 他的耐性已到了极限(已忍无可忍了)。Her means were stretched to the~. 她的经济状况紧张到了极点。do/try one's~to win/please sb/prevent the outbreak of hostilities 尽最大的能力取胜/使某人开心/避免战事的爆发;He had been doing his~for the welfare of the shop. 他一直在为商店的繁荣尽最大能力。〖同〗ultimate,best,peak;

【说明】uttermost 尤其用于文学语言,又如:The explorers reached the~limits of the ice pack. (探险者到达海上浮冰群最远处。)The oarsman strained to the~of their strength. (划浆人用尽了最大力量。)





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