释义 |
shookpa. p.shaked.shaken 摇动,抖动。 △Ham.4.7.32:“That we can let our beard be shook with danger / And think it pastime.”让危险来揪我的胡子,还只当是开玩笑。 △H.V.5.2.187 (178):“I will tell thee in French,which I am sure will hang upon my tonguelike a new-married wife about her husband's neck,hardly to be shook off.”我就用法国话来告诉你吧,我相信法国话就要缠在我的舌头上就像一个新婚的妻子缠在她丈夫的脖子上,怎么也甩不掉。 shook off: shaken off,refuse to accept 摆脱。 △1H.IV.1.3.178:“That you are fooled,discarded, and shook off / By him for whom these shames ye un-derwent?”你们为之蒙受这些耻辱的那个人却愚弄了你们,抛弃了你们,把你们丢到一边。 |