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单词 urge
urge/ ɜ:dʒ, AmE ɜ:rdʒ/ vt [-s/ ɪz/; -d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n [-s/ ɪz/]

vt (1)驱赶(策,使)(drive onward forcefully;impel)[T+n+prep T+n+advC+n+to-inf]:~a horse up a steep hill/into a canter 赶着马爬上陡峭的小山/小跑起来;~sb to action促使某人采取行动;~one's horse/one's mount/one's dogs/one's donkey on (forward north) (with whips/shouts) (扬鞭/呼喊着)驱赶马/坐骑/狗/驴向前(北行);~the cause along 把事业向前推进;~a horse to jump a fence 策马跃过篱笆;〖同〗drive,spur,push,force,press;〖反〗hinder,hold back,prevent,restrain;

(2)力劝(促),恳请(try to convince a person of (the importance of or necessity for some action))[T+n T+that(should), T+-ing C+n+to-inf]:“Don't give up halfway, ”he~d.“不要半途而废。”他力劝道。~sb for a statement of his views 力促某人陈述自己的观点;~that sb(should)accept the post/the delegates (should) be elected 恳请某人收下邮件/力促选出代表;He~d that they (should) go to Europe/their going to Europe/them to go to Europe. 他力劝他们去欧洲。~sb to accept a job/drive carefully/not to do sth 力劝某人接受一项工作/开车小心/不做某事;〖同〗request,appeal to,press,persuade,convince;〖反〗order,demand,command,require,force;

(3)力荐(陈),强调 (advocate or demand earnestly or pressingly; press)[T+n T+n+prep(on/upon),C+n+to-inf]:~evacuation/caution/sb's flight/prison reform/direct use of troops/adoption of the housing bill/passage of new crime laws/a claim 力主疏散/谨慎/某人乘飞机旅行/监狱改革/直接使用军队/采纳住房方案/通过新的刑法/要求赔偿;The argument was~d in vain. 强调这个论点毫无效果。~(on/upon sb) the difficulty of getting supplies/necessity for speed/importance of this measure/need to escape(向某人)力陈获得必需品的困难/速度的必要性/采取这一措施的重要性/有必要逃脱;~drivers not to travel by road 强调驾驶员不要在普通公路上行驶;〖同〗stress;〖反〗oppose, object to;

urge on (v adv) 激励,督促(vt):(foreman)~workmen on (工头)督促工人加劲干;(cheers/ambition)~sb on to victory/success(欢呼声/雄心)驱使某人去争取胜利/成功;

→′urgent adj 紧急的;坚持要求的;

n强烈的要求(欲望)(irresistable or impelling force influence or instinct)[C]:have (arouse) the~for strawberries/further creative activity 有(唤起)吃草莓/进一步进行创造性工作的强烈欲望;get/feel/resist an (sudden)~to quit one's job (hit sb/interrupt the speaker) 产生/感觉到/忍住(突然)想辞职(打某人/打断讲演人)的念头;powerful sexual~s 强烈的性冲动;〖同〗impulse,desire,longing,wish,fancy,thirst,passion





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