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单词 union
union/′ju:niǝn/ n

(1)团结(和睦),一致(state of being united) [U] (fml):There is strength in~. 团结就是力量。The dog and cat live together in perfect/unspoilt~. 狗和猫非常和睦地生活在一起。

(2)合并,联(结)合(体)(act of uniting or process of being united) [U,a/the~] [N(of,with)(between)]:The book is a perfect~of humour and seriousness. 本书是幽默诙谐与严肃认真实现最佳结合的一部作品。the~of Scotland with England/hydrogen and oxygen/three towns into one/two states 英格兰与苏格兰的合并/氢氧结合/三镇合成一座城市/两个州合并;the~between the two countries 两国的联合;support the~of one party with another 支持一党与另一党的联合;〖同〗combination,mixture,unity,oneness;〖反〗separation,division;

(3)联邦(盟),合众国(formation of a single political unit from 2 or more separate and independent units)[C]:form a perfect~against 组成一个反对……的完善的联盟;The U~often means the United States. 联邦(合众国)经常指美国。A federation is a~of states. 联邦即各州联盟。speech on the state of the U~美国国情演说;the Soviet U~/the U~of Soviet Socialist Republics 苏维埃联盟/苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟(USSR);the U~Jack(the U~flag)英国国旗;〖同〗association,league,corporation;

(4)联合(工)会(organization of workersetc)[C Gp]:join/form a~参加/建立工会;join together in a trade~一起加入工会;the cigar-maker's/Students/“Post Office workers”U~ 烟草工人联合会/学生会/邮政工人协会; the Mother's U~母亲协会;university~s 大学联合俱乐部;〖同〗association;

(5)结婚,婚姻(act of uniting or of being united in marriage or sexual intercourse)[C](fml or joc):a happy~blessed by children 得到儿女祝福的幸福姻缘;joined in perfect~结成美满婚姻;

(6)联管节(coupling device for connecting parts as pipes or rods)[C];

→′unionize, -ise v 使成立联合组织;′unionist n 联合主义者;′unionism n 联合原则





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