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单词 适得其反

适得其反shì dé qí fǎn

accomplish just the reverse; accomplish the very opposite; be (exactly)contrary to (/be just the opposite to)what one wished; get just the opposite; have an opposite effect;it falls out to be just the other way round; precisely the reverse comes about; produce exactly the opposite result; run counter to one’s desire
❍ 但现在,大概~罢?(茅盾《子夜》37) But,today,I’m sure it’s quite a different story,eh?/既然十之八九不是好东西,则被捧而后,那结果便自然和捧者的希望~了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—116) Since nine out of ten are no good,the result of raising them up is naturally the reverse of what those who raised them hoped.
❍ 说是为生产服务,结果~,…… (周恩来《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》) They are supposed to serve production but the result would be just the opposite.
❍ 所以这些努力大抵是徒劳的,而且还~,…… (《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—149) Hence his efforts are generally in vain or may even have an opposite effect,…


run counter to one’s desire;be just the opposite to what one wished; defeat one’s own purpose;on the contrary
我们的目标是最终和平解决问题,制裁未必能实现这一目标,甚至可能~。Our goal is to bring about eventual peaceful resolution of the issue. Imposing sanctions will not necessarily get us there,and may even prove counterproductive./拔苗助长,~ trying to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward is only to kill them—spoil thing by excessive enthusiasm

适得其反shì dé qí fǎn

适:正、刚好;其:他的、它的。比喻结果与愿望刚好相反。run counter to one’s desire, quite the opposite, accomplish just the reverse, accomplish the very opposite





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