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单词 time
time/taɪm/ nvt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)时间(passage of daysyearseventsetc)[U]:T~will tell whether we have done the right thing or not. 时间会告诉我们是否做得对。space and~空间和时间;save~and labour节省时间和劳力;past/present/future~过去/现在/将来的时间;T~passed. 时间过去了。T~is a great healer. 时间是一剂良药。〖同〗duration,period,interval;
 (2) 1)时刻(hour of the day)[U]:Greenwich T~格林威治时间;tell sb the~告诉某人几点钟;What~was it when he left? 他走的时候几点了?What's the~? 几点了?〖同〗moment,hour; 2)以(年、月、小时)单位计量的时间(system or method of measuring the passage of time)[UC]:British Summer T~英国夏季时间;standard~标准时间;run the 100 meters in record~以创纪录的时间跑完100米(赛跑);
 (3)一部分(一段)时间(finite duration)[Ua~]:do (serve)~in prison/the army 在服刑/役;It took me a long~to go to the airport/to write that letter. 去机场/写那封信花了我很长时间。enjoy the~spent in Paris 在巴黎度过一段美好时光;have a short~to decide只有很短的时间作决定;have no~to lose 不能耽误时间;What a(long)~she's been! 她花了那么长的时间!
 (4)(规定的)工作时间(regular period of work of an employee)[U]:hired for full/part~全天/半天班;
 (5)次(one of a number of occasions)[C]:forgive sb this~这次原谅某人;That~I was lucky—the car knocked me down but didn't hurt me. 那次我很幸运:汽车把我撞倒,但并没伤着我。another/next/last~另一/下/上次;two/countless/a dozen~s 两/无数/十几次;play a piece of music/read a book many~s 一支曲子弹了/一本书读了好多次;〖同〗occasion,period;
 (6)时候,机会,时机(moment or period designated for a given activity)[U]:harvest/summer/lunch/bed~收割时节/夏季/午饭时间/睡觉时间;I have no~for a vacation. 我没有时间休假。I didn't have the~to tell you then. 当时我没有机会告诉你。at the~of his wedding 在他举行婚礼时;〖同〗chance,opportunity,freedom;
 (7)时期,年代(period of time associated with similar eventsconditionscertain historical figures or phenomena)[C,常pl]:in~(s) of war/peace/trouble 在战争/和平/困难时期;go through an unhappy~经历了一段不愉快的时期;live in/experience difficult (hard)~s 生活在/经历了困难(艰苦)时期;in~(s) of prosperity/hardship/danger 在繁荣/艰难/危险时期;in Victorian/Elizabethan/ancient/prehistoric/recent/modern~s 在维多利亚时代/伊丽莎白女王时代/古代/史前期/近代/当代;the spirit/sign of the~s 时代的精神/象征;〖同〗period,age,stage;
 (8)节拍(musical meter)[U]:quadruple/three-quarter/six-eighth~四拍子/四分之三拍/八分之六拍;in slow/quick~节奏慢/快;The piece was written in waltz~. 这首曲子是以圆舞曲的节拍写成的。〖同〗rhythm,beat,measure;
 all in good time 及时,来得及:The work will be finished all in good~. 这项工作会及时地完成。
 all the time 一直,始终:The baby cried all the~. 那个婴儿一直在哭。
 at a time 一次:He picked up the books one at a~. 他一次只挑一本书。
 at one time 1)同时:They all tried to talk at one~. 他们同时都想讲话; 2)一度:At one~he lived in London. 他一度曾住在伦敦。
 at the time 在那时:She was born in May 1978;at the~her parents lived in London. 她1978年5月出生,那时她父母住在伦敦。
 at times 有时,不时:At~s,I can't understand him. 有时,我觉得他不可思议。
 behind time 迟,晚:The train is behind~. 火车晚点了。
 behind the times 过时:You're behind the~s. 你落伍了。
 for the time being 暂时,眼下:Let's forget about it for the~being. 让我们暂时把它忘了吧。
 have the time of one's life 十分愉快:The children had the~of their lives at the circus. 孩子们在马戏场十分开心。
 in no time 立刻,很快地:Take this pill and you'll feel better in no~. 把药吃了,你很快就会感到好一些的。
 in time 1)及时:They arrived in~for the first act. 他们及时赶到,没耽误看第一幕。2)最后:In~you'll see that he was wrong. 最后你会明白他是错的。
 on time 准时:The train left on~. 火车准时发车。
 take one's time不着急,慢慢来:I wish he would hurry up—he's always taking his~about making a decision. 我真希望他能快点;在作决定时,他总是慢吞吞的。
 →′timebomb n 定时炸弹;′timecard n 工作时间记录卡;′time-consuming adj 耗费时间的;′time-fuse n 定时引信;′time-͵honoured adj 因有悠久传统而受尊重的;′timekeeper n 工作时间记录员或记录器;′time-lag n 时间间隔;′time-limit n 时(期)限;′timely adj 及时的,适时的;′timeless adj 无时间限制的;永恒的;′timepiece n 钟,表;′time-server n 随波逐流者;′time-signal n 报时信号;′time-switch n(自动)定时开关;′timetable n 时间(刻)表;′time-worn adj 用久而磨损或损坏的;
 vt (1)安排……的时间;为……选择时机(choose a particular time for)[T+nT+n+prepC+n+to-infpass]:~one's arrival/one's leap beautifully 很好地选择到达/跳跃的时间;~one's holiday/the attack properly (perfectly) 适时安排度假/精心选择进攻的时间;The train is~d to leave at 2 p.m. 火车定于下午两点开出。
 (2)(比赛)记时 (record the timeduration or rate of)[T+nT+wh]:~a runner/a race 记录赛跑者/赛跑的时间;He~d her as she swam a mile. 当她游一英里的距离时,他给她记了时间。T~how long it takes him to do his homework. 给他记下做作业的时间。
 (3)规定时间 (arrange or set the time at which sth happens or is to happen)[T+n]: ~a journey 规定旅行时间; He~d his speech to last 20 minutes. 他给自己的演讲限时20分钟。The bomb was~d to go off at midnight. 炸弹定时在半夜爆炸。
 →′timer n 记时员(器);定时器;′timing n 定时





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