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单词 贫嘴薄舌

贫嘴薄舌贫嘴贱舌;贫嘴恶舌pín zuǐ bó shé

make silly,idle remarks;be garrulous and sharp tongued;make vulgar (/nasty/cheap) jokes
❍ 黛玉道: “什么诙谐! 不过是贫嘴贱舌的讨人厌罢了!” (《红楼梦》295) ❶“Joke?” Daiyu spat. “I call it disgustingly vulgar.”
❷‘Do you call that a joke?’said Daiyu.‘It was a silly,idle remark,and very irritating.’/一时黛玉红了脸,啐了一口道:“你们都不是好人!再不跟着好人学,只跟着凤丫头学的贫嘴贱舌的。”(《红楼梦》299)❶Daiyu flushed and spat in disgust. “How horrid you all are! I can’t think what end you’ll come to. Instead of following the example of good people,you’re learring from Xifeng to make vulgar jokes.”
❷Daiyu affected scorn,but was blushing hotly. “You are all horrid. Instead of following good examples,you all imitate Feng and make nasty,cheap jokes all the time.”

贫嘴薄舌pin zui bo she

be garrulous and sharp-tongued

贫嘴薄舌pín zuǐ bó shé

指爱多说话,言语尖酸刻薄。garrulous and sharp-tongued, idle remarks, make silly, light and airy utterance





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