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单词 or
or/ ɔ:(r)/ conj

(1)或(者);还是(joining alternatives): She~I have to bring it.她或我必须把它带来。It's now~never.Shall we chance it? 这种事机不可失,时不再来。我们碰碰运气好吗? I'll accept tomatoes,(~)lettuce~carrots.我可以吃蕃茄,(或)生菜或胡萝卜。Is it Monday~Tuesday?今天是星期一,还是星期二?

(2)否则,要不然(if not;otherwise):Decide now~I'll give it to Peter.你现在就决定,要不然我就把它给彼得了。

(3)也不(and neither)(用于否定词后):He doesn't smoke~drink.他不抽烟,也不喝酒。His chief trouble was that he did not know any editors~writers.他的主要难题是他既不认识任何编辑,也不认识任何作家。

(4)即,就是,或者说(that is;that means)(用于引出一同义词语):botany,~the science of plants植物学,即研究植物的科学;twelve~a dozen 12个,亦即一打;The company is paying the rent~at least contri-buting to it.该公司在付房租,或者说,至少在设法付房租。

(5)会不会(introducing an afterthought):He obviously knows the reason—~is he bluffing?他显然知道为什么——他会不会在虚张声势?

or else 1)否则,要不然:Get up~else you'll be late.快起床,否则你会迟到的。2)否则将承担一切后果(infml):Do as I tell you,~else.照我的话去做,否则后果自负。

or rather 确切地说:He arrived late last night,~rather in the early hours this mor-ning.他昨天夜里很晚才到达,确切地说是今天清早才到的。

or so 大约:I want a hundred~so.我要100个左右。

or somebody/something/somewhere;so-mebody/something/somewhere or other(infml)大概是……这类人(事物);在……这类地方等:He's an engineer~something.他大概是工程师之类的人。They're going away to Geneva~somewhere.他们即将去日内瓦或别的什么地方。

or two或更多;大约(用于单数名词之后):They walked a mile~two.他们走了一两英里。





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