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单词 opposite
opposite/′ɒpəzɪt, AmE ′ɑ:pəzət/ adj [无comp]; adv, prep & n

adj (1)另一侧的,对面的(being on the other side of sth/sb; facing)[A(to)][通常作attrib](用于名词后):on the~side of the town/street/table 在城镇的另一端/在街对面/在桌子的另一头;She burst in through the~door.她从对面那扇门冲进来。He lives in the house~(to ours).他住在(我们)对面那座房子里。〖同〗facing,opposed;〖反〗same;

(2)完全不同的,相反的(as completely different as possible)[作attrib]:They walked their~ways after the quarrel.争吵之后他们各奔东西。The club is not open to members of the~sex.该俱乐部不对异性成员开放。He took the~point of view.他持相反观点。We have~views on politics.我们的政治观点相反。〖同〗opposed,contrary;〖反〗alike,similar;

opposite number 职务相当的人(infml): Our Sales Manager is having discussions with his~number in their firm.我们的销售经理正在和他们公司的对等人物商谈。

adv 在对面,在相反的位置(on the opposite side):They sat~at the table.他们面对面地坐在桌子两边。They don't live on this side of the street ;they live~.他们不住在街这边,他们住在对面。

prep(亦作opposite to)(1)在……另一侧,面对……(on the other side of and facing):The cars were parked~each other.汽车对头停放。The new stadium will be built~(to) the parking lot. 新体育场将建在停车场的对面。

(2)(指演员)与……配戏(合演)(in a role parallel or complementary to):She played~the leading man in several comedies.她在几个喜剧里与男主角搭档,担任女主角。He played~her.他与她演对手戏。

n 反义词;对立的事物(word or thing that is completely different)[C][N(of)]:“Hate”is the~of“love”.“恨”的反义词是“爱”。My opinion is the exact~of his.我的意见与他的正相反。You are cold-blooded;she is the~.你冷酷无情,而她恰恰相反。

→oppo′sition n反对(抗);对立;相对;

【辨异】opposite contrary reverse的区别见CONTRARY。





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