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单词 operation
operation/ ͵ ɒpə′reɪ ʃn, AmE ͵ɑ:pə′-/ n

(1)运转,工作(actprocess or way of operat-ing)[U]:a machine no longer in~一台不再运转的机器;understand the~of a computer 了解计算机的运转机制;instructions for the~of machinery 机械操作说明;The~of the valves needs improving.阀的工作情况需要改进。Her mother began~of a small grocery.她的母亲开始经营一家小型食品杂货店。All his time is devoted to the~of his business.他的所有时间都用来经营他的企业。〖同〗running,working,conduct;

(2)手术(act of cutting open or cutting off a part of the body in order to cure disease)[C][N(on)(for),N+to-inf](亦作op):She had an~on her eye/for appendicitis.她的眼睛/阑尾做了手术。He had a heart transplant~.他接受过心脏移植手术。Two days later the~was performed on her for cancer of the lung.两天以后给她做了肺癌切除手术。The doctor performed an~to amputate his left leg.医生给他做了左腿截肢手术。〖同〗surgery;

(3)公司(business company)[C]:an electronics~一家电子公司;

(4)行动(action or processesp when planned)[C]:mount a rescue~发起营救行动;intelligence~s 情报活动;The whole~only took five minutes.整个行动只用了五分钟。

(5) 1)军事(作战)行动(organized movementsactivities of soldiers)[C通常pl](亦作ops):military/guerrilla~s 军事行动/游击战;The general was in command of~s in the south.那位将军负责指挥南方的军事行动。2)[Csing](用作军事行动代号的一部分)(cap);O~Overlord 霸王计划(第二次世界大战中由美国制订的从西部进攻欧洲的军事计划代号);3)(工商业等)有计划的业务活动(planned campaigns in industrybusinessetc)[C,通常pl]:building/banking/business~s 建筑业/银行业/商务活动;The company will soon begin~s.那家公司不久就要开始营业。Learn about the company's~s.好好学学该公司的业务活动。

(6)运算(mathematical processas additionmultiplicationetcor an instance of its application)[C];

bring sth/come into operation;be in operation(使某事物)生效(起作用):Their plan has been in full~.他们的计划已全面实施。When does the law come into~?此项法律什么时候开始生效?

←′operate v;

→ope′rational adj操作上的;业务上的;军事行动上的





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