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单词 operate
operate/′ɒpəreɪt, AmE ′ɑ:p-/ v [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)1)工作,运转((of machinesetc)act or work)[I](fml):The engine seems to be~ing normally.机器看起来运转正常。The lift was not~ing properly.电梯运行不正常。The tractor~s on diesel oil.拖拉机用柴油驱动。〖同〗work,run,perform;

2)开动(机器等),操纵(作)(make (a machineetc) work;control)[T+n]:~a bulldozer/lift/lathe 开推土机/电梯/车床;

(2)有(生)效,起作用,发生影响(bring about a desired or appropriate effect;have a certain influence)[II+prepI+to-inf]:The medicine~d quickly.这种药很快发生效力。Two sorts of forces~d on it.两种力量对它起作用。These factors/laws~to our success/advantage.这些因素/法律促使我们成功/对我们有利。Several causes~d to bring on the war.好几个原因综合在一起引起了那场战争。This remark~d to close the meeting in disorder.这句话导致会议在一片混乱中结束。

(3)经营,管理,掌管(do business;control or direct (a business))[I+prep(from),T+n]:This firm/company~s from offices in New York.这家商号/公司由设在纽约的办事处管理。The company/man~s two factories. 该公司/这个人经营两家工厂。The theatre is well~d.那家戏院经营得法。The privately-owned airway is allowed to~a new civil air line service.这家私营航空公司获准开办一条新的民用航线。

(4)动手术((of a surgeon) cut open (sban animal)(in order to cure her/him/it of a disease))[II+prep(on)(for)]:The doctor will~(on her) tomorrow.医生明天(给她)做手术。He was~d on for detachment of the retina.他做了视网膜剥离手术。The actress will have to have her eyes~d on.那个女演员的眼睛必须动手术。

(5)作战,执行任务(carry out military movements)[II+prep]:He mapped out the area where we were to~as guerrillas.他对我们即将进行游击战的地区进行了筹划。A strong force was sent to~against the invaders.派出一支强大的部队与入侵的敌人作战。Police patrols~d throughout the area.警察巡逻队在整个地区执行任务。

→′operable adj 可动手术的;′operating-table n手术台;′operating-theatre,AmE ′operating-room n手术室;′operative adj工作的,有效的,手术的;′operator n 操作者





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