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单词 opinion
opinion/ ə′pɪnjən/ n

(1)意见,看法,主张(belief or conclusion held with confidence but not supported by positive knowledge or proof)[C][N(of/about)]:have~s of one's own 有自己的主见;He asked my~of the pictures.他征求我对那些画的意见。I would like to hear your~of the general situation.我愿意听听你对总的情况的看法。What's your~about his work? 你对他的工作评价如何?〖同〗view,idea,thinking;〖反〗fact,reality,event,occurrence;

(2)舆论(common or prevailing feeling or sentiment among a group)[U]:public~舆论;O~is swinging in his favour.舆论正朝着对他有利的方向转变。He called on world~to condemn the illegality of the sentence.他号召世界舆论谴责这项非法判决。

(3)专业性的评估或意见(evaluation or judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert)[C]:The legal~is against them.律师的意见对他们不利。My doctor asked a specialist for a second~on my X-rays.我的私人医生请一位专科医生对我的X光片再次作出鉴定。They decided to obtain a medical~of the case.他们决定征求对此病例的医学鉴定。

be of the opinion that 主张……,认为……(fml): I am of the~that this project will be a success.我认为这个计划会成功的。

have a good/bad/high/lowof sb/sth 对某人(事物)有好感/恶感/高的评价/低的评价:Marx had a high~of the article.马克思对这篇文章的评价很高。

in sb's~按照某人的看法: In his~there were only two choices,himself and myself.他认为人选只有两个,不是他就是我。

→o′pinionated adj 固执己见的;

【辨异】opinion view都有“意见”或“看法”的意思。opinion所表达的“看法”或“主张”往往是初步的,不十分肯定的,通常强调结论的主观性和可争议性。如:opposing political opinions(相反的政见);view(见解)侧重对较广泛、重大或有关公众的问题所采取的态度,和opinion相比,view 更固定、全面、有系统,如:Different social classes hold different political views.(不同的社会阶层有不同的政治见解。)





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