adj (1)开着的(not shut):an~door/window开着的门/窗户;with both eyes~睁着双眼;keep~house好客;keep one's ears/one's eyes~留心听/看;密切注视;push the gate~把大门推开;He stood there with his mouth wide~.他大张着嘴站在那里。〖同〗unshut,unclosed;〖反〗closed;
(2)敞开的,未围起(堵塞)的,开阔(空旷)的(not enclosed, fenced in or blocked)[通常作attrib]:~fires/country/fields/meadows 明火/旷野/田野/开阔的草地;an~stretch of road 一段通行无阻的路;~sinuses/bowels窦道畅通/大便通畅;crack~a nut 敲开坚果;break~a safe 砸开保险柜;〖同〗wide,exposed,clear;〖反〗closed;
(3)营业,办公(ready for business)[通常作pred][无comp]:The shop is~on Sunday afternoons.这家商店周日下午营业。The bank/new school isn't~yet.那家银行/那所新学校还未开始营业/开学。He declared the Olympic Games~.他宣布奥林匹克运动会开幕。
(4)伸(展)开的,开的(spread out;unfolded):an~newspaper/drawer 摊开的报纸/拉开的抽屉; The dictionary lay~on the table. 那本词典在桌上摊开放着。The roses were all~.玫瑰花儿都开了。
(5)未系住的,解(松)开的(not fastened;undone):an~package/shirt开封的一包东西/开襟衬衫;His coat is~.他的大衣敞开着。
(6)没覆盖(遮掩)的,裸露着的(uncovered;bare)[作attrib][无comp]:an~car/wound/drain/running ulcer 敞篷汽车/开放性创伤/明沟/未愈合的还在流脓的溃疡;~wiring裸露的电线;
(7)公开的,公共的,开放的(available or accessible;not restricted;public)[A(to)]:an~competition/championship/scholarship公开的竞争/锦标赛/奖学金;This school will be~to people of all races in the neighbourhood.这所学校将对附近所有种族的人开放。There are numerous channels~to you for this.在这方面有许多途径供你选择利用。Accounts were~to inspection.账目可供审查。This museum is~to the public.这家博物馆向公众开放。
(8)不保密的,众所周知的(not kept secret or hidden):an~show of affection/dislike of someone/scandal 爱的公开表露/对某人公开的反感/公开的丑闻;~opposition to the government 对政府的公开反对;The affair is quite~.这件事已众所周知。Their relationship is an~one.他们的关系是公开的。
(9)诚恳的,坦率的(honest;frank):an~nature 坦率的性格;He is a frank and~young man.他是一个真诚坦率的青年人。He was very~about his feelings.此人喜怒尽形于色。He was very~with me.他对我坦诚相见。
(10)未最后决定的,尚未解决的(not finally decided or closed;available or obtainable):Let's leave the question/the matter~.这个问题/这件事先悬着吧。I'd decided to be cautious,leaving all options~.我决定采取谨慎态度,对所有选择暂不作决定。The doctor has two appointments~.那医生还可以看两名病人。
(11)空缺的(not filled)[作pred][无comp]:Which job/position is still~? 哪个工作职位还空缺?
be an open secret 已是公开的秘密:What he's told you is an~secret.他告诉你的事情已是公开的秘密。
be/lay oneself (wide) open to sth 使自己易受批评等:The phrase laid itself~to a charge of extreme unorthodoxy.这种话容易被指责为极端离经叛道。
be open to offer(s) 欢迎开价: I haven't decided on a price but I'm~to offers.我未予定价,欢迎大家出价。
have/keep an open mind(about/on sth)愿意听取、接受或考虑别人的意见、想法等:He has an~mind on most issues.他在多数问题上都愿意听取别人的意见。
in the open air 在户外(露天): It's good to have exercise in the~air.户外锻炼大有裨益。
an open book 直爽而容易了解的人;毫无秘密可言的事:Your life in this town has been an~book.你在本镇的生活一直是公开的。
an open sesame (to sth) 可得到某事物的捷径或窍门:Your note was an~sesame to the president's office.你的字条是进入总统办公室的法宝。
open to sb 可供某人取舍: It was~to him to sign the agreement. 签不签此项协议由他决定。
open to sth 乐于接受某事物:We are~to criticism.我们愿意接受批评。
throw sth open (to sb) 使大家可接触或获得某事物:The universities were thrown~to all. 大学向所有人开放。
with open arms 热烈(情)地:When he came to visit us at Christmas,we welcomed him with~arms.他圣诞节来访时,我们热情地欢迎了他。
n 户外;野外;露天(area or space outside buildings)[sing]:We slept in the~under the stars.我们在星空下露宿.Agricultural workers pass the bigger part of their lives in the~.农业工人的一生大都在露天度过。
bring sth/be/come (out) in(to)the open 公开(尤指秘密计划、想法等):人人皆知: Her secret is now in the~.她的秘密已人人皆知。
→′openly adv.公然地;公开地;坦率地;′openness n真诚;坦率;open-′air adj户外的;露天的;open-and-′shut adj容易解决的;′opencast(opencut)adj露天开采的;open-′ended adj无限制的;无预期目标的;open-′eyed adj睁大眼睛的;警觉(惕)的;机警的;open-′handed adj慷慨的;大方的;open-′hearted adj真诚的;善良的;open-′minded adj愿意接受新思想的;无偏见的;open-′mouthed adj目瞪口呆的;吃惊的;open-′plan adj(指建筑)开敞布置的;open-′work n(金属、饰边等)透雕细工;网状细工;
v(1)(打,张)开(become open)[I,I+adv]:The door/window~ed.门/窗户开着。The door~s outwards/inwards.这扇门朝外/里开。
(2)打(松、敞)开(cause(sth)to be or become open;unfasten)[T+n,T+n+prep]:~a door/a box/a parcel/a letter 打开门/箱子/包裹/信;Five minutes later she~ed her eyes.五分钟后她睁开了眼睛。O~your coat.你解开大衣吧。The door was suddenly~ed from within.那扇门突然从里面打开了。Don't~the door to strangers;it's not safe.不要给生人开门,那不安全。
(3)穿过(某物)开辟通道,在(某物)上开孔(cut or make a passage through or opening in(sth))[T+n,T+n+prep]:~a mine/well/tunnel 开矿/打井/凿隧道;~a road through a forest开辟一条穿过树林的路;
(4)(使某物)展(铺、张)开((cause sth to)spread out;unfold)[I,I+prep,T+n,T+n+prep(out)]:The roses are~ing.玖瑰花正在盛开。Bright vistas~ed before her.光明的前景展现在她的面前。~a book/newspaper/map on the table 在桌上打开书/摊开报纸/摊开地图;He~ed his palms in disbelief.他不相信地摊开双手。
(5)开始(begin(sth))[T+n]:~an account开立账户;~a meeting/a debate/negotiations/hearings of a bill开会/开展争论/开始谈判/开始一项议案的听证会;They~ed an attack on local government policies.他们对地方政府的各项政策予以抨击。
(6)(使)开张(开始营业),(使)开放((cause sth to)be ready for business;make or become available for use)[I,T+n]:The shop~ed last week/at nine o'clock every morning.那家商店是上周开业的/每天上午9点开始营业。The exhibition~s tomorrow.展览会明天开幕。~a new shop/an office/a hospital开新店/开设办事处/开医院;Japan~ed her ports to western trade.日本向西方贸易开放了港口。The city park~ed its pool today.市公园今天开放了游泳池。
(7)宣布(大楼等)竣工(开幕)(ceremonially declare (a building,etc) to be open)[T+n]:~parliament/the Olympic Games 宣布议会开会/奥林匹克运动会开幕;
open one's/sb's eyes(to sth)使自己(某人)了解到意想不到的事物(长见识):His eyes were~ed to the world of nature when he visited his grandfather's farm. 他参观了爷爷的农场,认识了自然世界。
open fire (at/on sb/sth)开火:The warships~ed fire on the forts.战舰向要塞开火。
open the floodgates of (sth) 打开闸门(释放出感情、破坏、反叛等的能量): He~ed the floodgate of wrath when he heard that.他听到那件事后大发雷霆。
open one's heart/mind to sb开诚相见,倾心吐胆:John felt much better after he~ed his heart to Betty.约翰向贝蒂倾吐了心声之后感觉好多了。
open into/onto(v prep)通向某处(vt): An arch~s into the dining room.有一拱门通往餐室。
open out(v adv)1)打(张)开,展现,显示(vi): We sped through the starry night with the prairie~ing out on either side.我们在星光下整夜飞速行进,我们的两边是开阔的大草原。2)(个性)形成(发展)(vi): Business has been~ing out recently.近来业务不断开展。
open up (v adv)1)畅谈(vi)(infml):It was only after he had a few drinks that he could~up.酒过三巡他的话才多起来。2)使打(张)开(vt & vi): O~up the boot of the car,and let me look inside.把汽车的行李箱打开,让我看看里面。3)(使)供开发(生产)(vt & vi):The company has decided to~up this area for housing.那家公司已决定开发这个地区建房。4)(使)开业(张)(vt & vi): The department store is~ing up a new branch in town.那家百货公司准备在城里开设一家新的分店。
open with(v prep)以……开始(vt): The first artist~ed the concert with a song.音乐会由第一位艺术家演唱一首歌开始。
→′opener n 开启的人或(尤指)工具;′opening n