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单词 贪生怕死

贪生怕死tān shēng pà sǐ

cravenly cling to life instead of braving death; care for nothing but saving one’s skin; be mortally afraid of death; be afraid to risk one’s neck
❍ 但也有一种人,~,叫敌人抓住,抽三鞭子,压两杠子,腿马上就直不起来了。(陶承《我的一家》80) On the other hand,there were some in our ranks who were afraid of torture or death if caught by the enemy. A few lashes or torture of one form or another would be enough to cause them to break down completely.
❍ 表面上耀武扬威,骨子里~! (吴强《红日》23) All bluff and bluster on the outside,but in their bones they’re afraid to die!/~,何如重死轻生! (《周恩来青年时代诗选·生别死离》45) Clinging fondly to life in dread of death—|Is it not better to die a weighty death| That makes light of life!/但在大波大澜的时代,要做成一个人实在是不容易的事。重要的原因也就是每一个人都是~。(《沫若文集》Ⅲ—206) But,during a time of great changes and upheavals,to act like a man is a very difficult thing. The main reason for this is that all men instinctively fear death.
❍ 我过去的所作所为,除了说明是欺软怕硬和~之外,没有任何其它别的解释。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》469) The only explanation for my past actions was that I bullied the weak and feared the strong,and that I feared death and was greedy for life.


cravenly clinging to life instead of braving death;caring for nothing but saving one's skin;be mortally afraid of death


be mortally afraid of death;care for nothing but saving one’s skin

贪生怕死tān shēnɡ pà sǐ

贪恋生存,害怕死亡。be mortally afraid of death, care for nothing but saving one’s skin, be afraid of death and cling to life





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