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单词 胜败乃兵家之常

胜败乃兵家之常shèng bài nǎi bīng jiā zhī cháng

atemporary setback means nothing in war; one can’t win every battle; victory and defeat are both common in battle; for a military commander winning or losing a battle is a common occurrence; victory and defeat are a soldier’s lot
❍ 胜败兵家之常。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—238) A temporary setback means nothing in war.
❍ 宋江眉头不展,面带忧容。吴用劝道:“哥哥休忧,胜败乃兵家常事,何必挂心?”(《水浒全传》695)Now were Song Jiang’s eyebrows knotted together and his face was full of melancholy,so that Wu Yong exhorted him,saying,“Elder Brother,do not grieve.In war sometimes there is victory and sometimes loss,and it does not matter,and why should you grieve?”/李自成安慰他说:“胜败兵家常事,难过什么?你自己也受了伤,并不是没有出力。”(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—269) Li Zicheng answered consolingly,“We can’t win every battle.Don’t take it so hard. And you’re wounded yourself.It’s not as if you didn’t do your utmost.”/君子报仇,十年不迟。胜败乃军家之常。(曲波《林海雪原》581) Even ten years isn’t a long time for a gentleman to wait for vengeance. Victory and defeat are both common in battle.
❍ 胜负乃兵家之常,何须烦恼?(《西游记》) Victory and failure are common things among soldiers,why should you be in distress…?





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