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单词 recover
recover/rɪ′kʌvǝ(r)/ v [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

(1)重新找到(获得)(find again or obtain the return of (sth lost))[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:The police~ed the stolen jewels/my lost property. 警察找回了被偷的珠宝/我丢失的财产。They~ed her body from an old mine shaft. 他们在一个废旧矿井里发现了她的尸体。~the pocket-book from the police station/the football from the neighbour's lawn 从警察局找回了皮夹子/邻居家的草坪上找回足球;〖同〗regain,get back;

(2)恢复(身体,情感等)((of a person) regain(healthspirits))[T+n]:~consciousness/spirits/balance/oneself/one's composure 恢复知觉/情绪/平衡/正常状态/镇静;~one's peace of mind 使心情恢复平静;~one's full strength/one's health/one's sight/one's sense/one's hearing/the use of one's voice 使自己完全恢复体力/健康/视力/知觉/听力/使用嗓子;She stood a moment to~breath. 她站了一会儿,喘口气。〖同〗regain;〖反〗fail,grow worse;

(3)痊愈;恢复原状(常态)(become well again;return to a former and better condition)[II+prep(from)]:He has been very ill,but he is now~ing. 他曾病得很重,但现在正在恢复。~from a severe illness/one's bad cold/the attack of measles/a shock/fatigue 大病初愈/重感冒好了/麻疹痊愈了/从震惊中清醒过来/从疲劳中缓过来;~from the strain/the surprise 从紧张/惊讶中恢复过来;The country is~ing from an economic crisis/the effects of the war. 那个国家摆脱了经济危机/战争的影响正在复苏。〖同〗get over;

(4)挽回,弥补(regain(moneypositiontime etc);make up for)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~lost time/the loss of money 弥补失去的时间/损失的钱财;Some investors tried to~losses sustained earlier in this month. 一些投资者企图挽回本月初所遭受的损失。He has~ed his reputation as an artist. 他挽回了自己艺术家的名誉。~costs/expenses/damages from sb 向某人索取费用/费用/赔偿金;He~ed the cost of repairs to his car from the person who caused the damage. 他让损坏他汽车的那个人付了汽车修理费。

→ re′coverable adj 可重新找到(获得)的;re′covered adj 痊愈的;re′covery n 收(取)回;恢复





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