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单词 record
record n/′rekɔ:d,AmE ′rekǝrd/; v /rɪ′kɔ:d, AmE -′kɔ:rd/[-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)记录(载)(written report of facts or eventsetc to prevent one forgetting)[C][N(of)]:a~of repair bills/events/a suit/each child's birth 维修账单/大事/诉讼/每个孩子出生的记录;~s of birth/death/marriag-es/accidents 出生/死亡/婚姻/事故记录;historical/medical/expenditures~s 历史/医疗/支出记录;keep/make a careful~of all expenses 一切开支都仔细地记录并保存/记录下来;〖同〗report,document;〖反〗omit;

(2)个人的档案(履历、成绩)(description of one's lifecharacter or achievementsetcwhether written or not)[Ca~][N(for)]:a good academic~学习成绩好;an indifferent academic~ 学习成绩一般;a man with a fine war/clean~一位有战功/历史清白的人;have a bad safety/criminal~有不安全/犯罪记录;have no previous police~没有前科记录;check up sb's~审查某人的档案;have a good~for examination passes 考试成绩历来优异;〖同〗history,background,experience;

(3)(运动等)记录((in racesgames or almost any activity) best performance so far;sth which has never yet been beaten)[C]:the~for least rainfall in a year 年降雨量最少的记录;the Olympic/world swimming~奥林匹克/世界游泳纪录;hold/break/beat/better/establish/set/equal the world~for/in the 200 meters (high jump) 保持/打破/打破/刷新/创/创/平了200米(跳高)世界记录;The bank rate was increased to a~8%. 银行的利率增长到了创纪录的8%。a~score/time 创纪录的成绩/时间;~profits/crops/sales 创记录的利润/收成/销售额;

(4)唱片(round flat piece of plastic on which musicetc is recorded)[C][N(of)](=gramophone record,disc):a~of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony 一张贝多芬第六交响曲的唱片;a pop/jazz/hit~流行(歌曲)/爵士乐/流行歌曲唱片;put on/play some~s 放一些唱片;a~sleeve/album/library/company 唱片套/集/租赁馆/公司;〖同〗disc;

(5)文物,说明历史的东西(thing that gives us information about the past)[C]:excavate ancient~s and relics 发掘古代文物;Archaeologists provide us with~s of ancient civilizations. 考古学家为我们提供了说明古代文明的文物。

(just) for the record 为准确起见:(Just) For the~,I'd like to say that I totally disagree with this decision. 我声明,我想说我完全不同意这个决定。

off the record 不可公开发表,私下里说:Please understand that what I'm telling you now is strictly off the~. 请理解,我现在对你讲的话绝对不能公开发表。

on record 1)有记录:The police had kept his name on~. 警察已把他的名字记录在案了。 Last summer was the driest one on~for 10 years. 去年夏季是10年来有案可查的最干旱的夏天。2)公开宣布,人人知道:You are on~as saying that you will retire from football at the end of the year. 人人都知道你说今年年底要从足球界退役。

put/set a record straight 纠正错误(误解);将事实弄得准确无误:To put the~straight,I must say that I agreed with the decision. 为避免误解,现在我必须说我同意那个决定。

→′record-͵breaker n 破记录者;′record-͵breaking adj 破记录的;′record-͵holder n 记录保持者;′record-͵player n 电唱机;

v (1)记录下来(write a description of an event factetc so that they can be read in the future)[T+nT+thatT+wh]:~the event/the result at the sports meeting/all the happening of the day 记录那个事件/运动会的比赛结果/当天所发生的一切;~the minutes/the proceedings of a meeting 做会议记录/记录会议事项;The book~s that he was killed in a battle in 1945. 书上记载说他死于1945年的一次战斗。~what he says 记录他所说的话;〖同〗take down,show;

(2)录音(像)(put(sound or images)onto a tape or film so that it can be heard or seen again later)[II+prep(from)(on),T+nT+n+prep(from/on),T+n+ing]:Don't make any noise when I'm~ing. 我录音时别吵闹。Her voice~s well.她的声音录下来很好听。~some songs/one's voice/the programme/a conversation(on tape/video-tape)(from radio)(从收音机里)录些歌曲/自己的声音/那个节目/一段对话(在录音带/录像带上);~sb playing the guitar 录下某人弹奏吉他;a~ed programme/concert 一段录下来的节目/音乐会;

(3)(在仪器上)标明,显示((of an instrument that measures sth)show)[T+n]:An electricity meter~s the amount of electricity used. 电表上显示着用电量。The thermometer~ed (a temperature of) 36℃. 温度计上显示出摄氏36度。〖同〗indicate;

→ re′corder n 录音(像)机;记录员;re′cording n 录音(像)





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