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单词 reflection
reflectionBrE also -x·ion/rɪ′flek⨜n/ n

(1)反映(射);表明(act of reflecting or state of being reflected)[U]:the~of light (sunlight) by a mirror/from the water 镜子/水面反射的光(太阳光);the~of heat 热的反射;

(2)倒影,映像(image reproduced as in a mirror)[C]:see (look at) one's~in the mirror/the lake 看见(看着)镜子里/湖里自己的影像(倒影);the~of the trees in the still water 树在平静水面上的倒影;be a pale~of one's former self (fig)与自己以前相比,面容憔悴;〖同〗 image;

(3)反映(sth reflecting the nature of sb or sth)[C][N(of)](fig):a~of reality/of life in nineteenth century Britain/of sb's happiness 现实/英国19世纪的生活/某人的幸福的反映;Their behaviour in this respect was a~of their very different personality. 他们在这方面的行为反映了他们完全不同的个性。

(4)思考,沉思(careful or deep consideration or thought)[U]:speak/act without~不经思考的讲话/行动;After long/a moment's~,he decided not to drop out of school. 长时间考虑/考虑了一会儿后,他决定不辍学。〖同〗thought,consideration;

(5)想(看)法(idearemarkor piece of writing resulted from this)[C,常pl][N(on)]:~s on what sb said/the world war/the current situation 对某人的话/世界大战/当前形势的看法;idle~s on the past 回忆往事的遐想;The book included~s by various people involved in the incident. 这本书包括了这个事件中各有关人士的观点。〖同〗opinion,view;

be/cast a reflection on 对……有不良影响,说明……不好:Obviously this issue is a very sad~on the state of the Labour Party. 很明显,这个问题对工党会产生十分糟糕的影响。This is a~upon your honour. 这有损于你的荣誉。

on reflection 经过考虑:I suppose,on~,there is something immoral about it. 经过考虑,我认为此事有点不道德。





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