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单词 regret
regret/rɪ′ɡret/ nvt [-tt-;-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)后(懊)悔,遗憾(sense of distressguilt or sorrow;feelings of sadness or disappointment)[CU]:leave home/say goodbye with many~s/much~非常遗憾地离开了家/告别;express/have no~没表示/没有遗憾;feel(no)~for what one has done/at leaving home for so many years 对自己所做的事/离家这么多年(没有)感到后悔;A feeling of infinite~/A sudden pang of~came over him. 他感到无限懊恼/突然极为懊恼。〖同〗sorrow;〖反〗satisfaction;

(2)道歉,歉意(polite expression of apologyesp in a formal refusal of an invitation)[pl](fml):Please give my~s (to him). 请代我(向他)表示歉意。send one's~(因谢绝邀请等而)表示歉意;Please accept my~s at not being able to go with you. 我不能和你一起去,请接受我的歉意。have no~s for (over/about) one's action/anything one has done/what one did 对自己的行为/自己所做的一切/自己做过的事毫不后悔;

greatly/much to one's regret 深感遗憾(非常抱歉)地:Much to my~,I can't come this evening.非常抱歉,今晚我不能来。

→ re′gretful adj 懊悔的,遗憾的;re′gretfully adv 深感遗憾地;

vt (1)对……感到遗憾(后悔)(feel sorry or upset about(sth sadannoyingdisappointing))[T+nT+ thatT+whT+to-infT+ing]:~one's decision/bad actions/foolish behaviour 对自己的决定/不良行为/愚蠢的行为感到遗憾;We~that we missed the concert/that we have no child/what we have said. 没赶上那场音乐会/没有孩子/因所说过的话我们感到遗憾。It is much to be~ed that you can't join us in the trip. 真遗憾你不能和我们一起去旅行。I~to inform you/to say that rents went up. 我很遗憾地通知你/说房租涨了。~not having visited the old lady/selling the farm/having spoken to sb about it 后悔没有去探望老太太/卖掉农场/对某人讲那事;

(2)对……感到惋惜(feel sorry at having lost sth)[T+n]:~one's lost youth/missed opportunities/the loss of sb's friendship 为失去的青春/错过的机会/失去某人的友谊而感到惋惜;~sb's death 为某人的逝世而悲痛;The fire destroyed everything but the only things I really~are my books. 大火烧毁了一切,但使我真正惋惜的是我的那些书。

→ re′gretable adj 令人遗憾(惋惜)的;re′gretably adv 很遗憾(惋惜)地





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