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Ⅰ ❶ (中国古代哲学认为宇宙中通贯物质和人事的两大对立面之一) (in Chinese philosophy, medicine, etc.) yin, the feminine or negative principle in nature
❷ (指太阴, 即月亮) the moon: ~ 历 lunar calendar
❸ (不见阳光的地方) shady place; shade: 树 ~ the shade of a tree
❹ (山的北面; 水的南面) north of a hill or south of a river: 华 ~ Huayin (a county situated on the north side of Huashan Mountain); 江 ~ Jiangyin (a county situated on the south side of the Changjiang River)
❺ (背面) back: 碑 ~ the back of a stone tablet
❻ (生殖器) genitals; private parts (esp. of the female)
❼ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 不佞 Yin Buning Ⅱ ❶ {气} (天空中十分之八以上的部分被云遮住) overcast; cloudy: 天 ~ 了。The sky is overcast. 昨天是 ~ 天。It was cloudy yesterday.
❷ (凹进的) in intaglio: ~ 文 characters cut in intaglio
❸ (隐藏的; 不露在外面的) hidden; secret; sinister: ~ 谋 sinister plot; 阳奉 ~ 违 agree in public but object in secret
❹ (属于鬼神的; 阴间的) of the nether world: ~ 宅 graveyard
❺ {物} (带负电的) negative: ~ 离子 negative ion; anion
◆阴暗 dark; gloomy; 阴部 {解} private parts; pudendum (pl. pudenda); privates; 阴曹(地府) hell; the nether world; Hades; 阴沉 cloudy; overcast; gloomy; sombre; 阴唇 labium; labia majora; labia minora; 阴道 vagina; shaded road; vagino-; vagin-; vagini-; kolpo-; kysth-; kolp-, coleo-; cole-; colp-; colpo-; 阴德 a good deed to the doer's credit in the next world; 阴地 graveyard; place where sunshine cannot reach; 阴毒 insidious; sinister; 阴风 chilly wind; sinister wind; ill wind; evil wind; 阴干 be placed in the shade to dry; dry in the shade; 阴功 a good deed to the doer's credit in the next world; 阴沟 covered drain; sewer; drain; {解} vagina; cloaca; 阴河 underground river; 阴魂 soul; spirit; ghost; 阴极 {物} negative pole; negative electrode; cathode; 阴极耦合 cathode coupling; 阴极射线 {电} cathode ray; 阴极射线管 cathode-ray tube (CRT); cathode-ray lamp; C-R tube; 阴间 the nether world; Hades; hell; 阴茎 penis (pl. penes, penises); cirrus; tentum; priapus; coles; mentula; member; phali-; phallo-; 阴冷 gloomy and cold; raw; sombre; glum; 阴离子 anion; posion; {物} {化} negative ion; 阴历 lunar calendar; 阴凉 shady and cool; cool place; shade; 阴霾 haze; 阴毛 pubis (pl. pubes); pubic hair; hairs at the private part; 阴门 {解} cunnus; vulva; vaginal orifice; vulv-; vulvo-; 阴谋 plot; scheme; conspiracy; 阴囊 {解} scrotum; oschea; ocheus; oscheo-; osche-; scrot-; scroti-; scroto-; 阴平 high and level tone, the first of the four tones in modern standard Chinese pronunciation; 阴森 gloomy; gruesome; ghastly; frightful; 阴山 the Yinshan Mountains; 阴虱 crab louse; 阴私 shameful secret; private affairs; privacy; 阴天 overcast sky; cloudy day; overcast; 阴文 characters cut in intaglio; 阴险 sinister; insidious; treacherous; crafty; 阴性 {医} negative; {语} feminine gender; feminine; 阴虚 {中医} deficiency of yin, with irritablity, thirst, constipation, etc. as symptoms; 阴阳 (in Chinese philosophy, medicine, etc.) yin and yang, the two opposing principles in nature, the former feminine and negative, the latter masculine and positive; 阴阳怪气 mystifying; enigmatic; deliberately ambiguous; (of words or voice) dripping acid, with sarcasm; eccentric; queer; cynical; 阴阳家 the Yin-Yang School; the School of Positive and Negative Forces (in the Period of the Warring States, 475-221 B.C.); 阴阳历 lunisolar calendar; 阴阳人 hermaphrodite; ambivalent; a transsexual person; 阴阳生 astrologer; 阴阳水 {中医} unboiled water and boiled water; well water and river water; 阴一套, 阳一套 act one way in public and another in private; be engaged in double-dealing; 阴翳 [书] be shaded or hidden by foliage; lush; luxuriant; 阴影 shadow; shade; cloud; {医} spot; shadow; 阴雨 overcast and rainy; 阴郁 gloomy; dismal; depressed; dreariment; 阴云 dark clouds; rain clouds; 阴鸷 [书] sinister and ruthless; 阴骘 [书] quietly pacify; good deed to the doer's credit in the next world


❶as oppose to Yang
❹north of a hill or south of a river

yin;feminine and negative








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