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单词 refer
refer/rɪ′fɜ:(r)/ v [-rr-;-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

(1)谈(提)到(talk or write about sth;mention sth)[I+prep(to)]:~to one's past experience/sb in one's letter 在信中提到自己过去的经历/某人;It's rude to~your wife as an old lady. 把你妻子叫作老太婆是粗俗的。Please don't~to it any more. 请不要再提它了。〖同〗mention,discuss;

(2)适用于;指的是(be relevant to; relate to)[I+prep(to)]:This rule/The regulation~s to everyone. 这个规则/规定适用于每个人/孩子们。The serial number~s to the country in which the car was manufactured. 那个序列号指的是制造这辆汽车的国家。When she spoke of a clever boy,she was~ring to you. 当她提到聪明的男孩时,她指的是你。What did he~to by that insinuation? 他含沙射影指的是什么?〖同〗concern,relate;

(3)参照(阅),查询(look for information in sth)[I+prep(to)]:~to a dictionary/a recipe/one's notes/the last page of the book 查阅词典/食谱/自己的笔记/此书最后一页;~to one's watch for the exact time 看表以弄清准确时间;~to an expert 找专家咨询;

(4)将……交付处理,让……找(查)……(hand over for considerationor decision)[T+n+prep(to),尤pass]:After filling out the forms,I was~red to the personnel director/the enquiry office. 填完表后,有人让我去找人事处长/咨询办公室。The patient was~red to a heart specialist. 病人被转到一位心脏病专家那里。The proposal/proposed bill was~red to a committee. 该建议/议案被提交给委员会。~the disputes to mother/to the United Nations/to an arbitrator 让母亲/联合国/仲裁人来处理这些争端;Our teacher~s us to an English-English dictionary. 我们老师让我们去查阅英-英词典。The asterisk~s the readers to a foot note. 星号指引读者去参阅脚注。

(5)归功(咎)于(assign;attribute)[T+n+prep(to)]:~one's success to the good education/one's wealth to one's own hard work 把自己的成功归于受过良好的教育/财富归功于自己勤奋工作;~one's depression to childhood illness/all the trouble to bad luck 把抑郁归咎为童年得病的结果/所有的麻烦归咎于运气不好;The invention of the compass is~red to China. 指南针是中国发明的。

refer back(v adv)(把申请等)转给(回)(vt):It's no good complaining to him because he will only~you back (to the manager). 向他抱怨没用,因为他只会把你的抱怨转告(经理)。

→ re′ferable adj 可提交给……的;͵refe′ree n 仲裁人,裁判员;裁判;v 裁判;re′ferral n(对申请职业者的)工作分配;被分配职务的人;治疗安排;安排的对象;′reference n





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