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(长出果实或种子) bear (fruit);form (seed): 开花 ~ 果 blossom and bear fruit;
今年桃树 ~ 果不会多。 The peach trees are not going to bear well this year. 这树 ~ 一种红色的坚果。 This tree bears a hard red fruit. 这些花 ~ 子儿了。 These flowers have gone to seed.
另见 see also jié。
◆结巴 stammer;stutter;stumble;
结果 bear fruit;fruit;
结结巴巴 hesitating in speaking;jabbering;
结实 bear fruit;seed;fructify;fruit;fructification;
结实累累 fruits growing in clusters;
结实 solid;sturdy;durable;strong;sturdy;tough;robust;
结子 seed


❶ (在条状物上打疙瘩或用这种方式制成物品) tie;knit;knot;weave: 把毛线 ~ 成毛线衫 knit wool into a sweater;~ 网 weave a net;
那条丝带 ~ 不好。 That ribbon doesn't tie well.
❷ (发生某种联系或关系;结合) congeal;form;forge;cement: ~ 痂 form a scab;scab;~ 为夫妇 be tied in wedlock;~ 下深厚的友谊 forge a profound friendship;
北方冰 ~ 得早,融化得晚。 The ice forms early and stays late in the north. 牛奶上面 ~ 了一层皮。 A skin has formed on the milk.
❸ (结束;了结) settle;conclude: 归根 ~ 底 in the final [last] analysis;~ 账 settle accounts Ⅱ ❶ (条状物打成的疙瘩) knot: 打~ tie a knot;
蝴蝶 ~ bowknot;
活 ~ slipknot;
解 ~ untie [undo] a knot;
死 ~ fast knot;
轮 ~ rolling hitch
❷ (保证负责的字据) written guaran ̄ tee;affidavit: 具 ~ give a written guarantee
❸ {电子} junction: p-n ~ p-n junction;
生长 ~ grown junction
❹ {生理} node: 淋巴 ~ lymph node
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 萌 Jie Meng
另见 see also jiē。
◆结案 wind up a case;close a case;settle a lawsuit;
结疤 {冶} scab;{医} become scarred;rolling skin;
结拜 [旧] become sworn brothers or sisters;
结伴 go with;
结伴同行 go [travel] in company with sb.;
结帮营私 band together to seek selfish interests;gang up to pursue selfish interests;
结冰 freeze;ice up;ice over;frozen;
结彩 adorn with festoons;be decorated with festoons;
结草衔环 make a grass knot or champ a ring in order to repay kindness;express gratitude to one's benefactor;repay favors received even after one's death;
结肠 {生理} colon;large intesting;col-;coli-;colo-;结成 form;enter into;
结仇 start a feud;become enemies;breed enmity with;incur hatred of;
结存 cash on hand;balance;goods on hand;inventory;
结单 statement of account;
结党营私 gang up for selfish [private] interests;band together for selfish purposes;form a clique [cabal;coterie;party] for selfish [evil] purposes;
结缔组织 sheath;syndesm;bindweb;connective tissue;syndesmo-;结点 {数} knot;nodal point;node;crunode;
结发夫妻 husband and wife by the first marriage;
结垢 fouling;{冶} scaling;encrust;
结构 structure;composition;construction;formation;constitution;fabric;form;systemation;mechanics;organization;
结构化程序设计 structured programming;
约构性通货膨胀 structure inflation;
结关 customs clearance;clear a port;clearance;clearance through customs;
结果 result;outcome;fruit;ending;consequence;fruitage;efflorescence;termination;progeny;
结核 {医} tuberculosis;consumption;phthisis;noddle;{地质} concretion;{矿} nodule;
结合 combine;unite;integrate;link;binding;coalition;cohesion;connection;joint;union;association;join;incorporation;coalescence;coupling;junctura (pl. juncturae);concres ̄cence;nexus;valence;merging;consolidation;
结喉 {生理} Adam's apple;
结汇 settlement of exchange;surrender of exchange;convert foreign exchange;
结婚 marry;get married;marry up;
结伙 gang;
结集 concentrate;mass;collect articles,etc. into a volume;
结痂 form a scab;crust;escharosis;scall;eschar;scab;
结茧 cocooning;
结交 make friends with;associate with;
结节 {生} tubercle;[拉] tuber;tuberculum;plexus;protuberance;protuberantia;[拉] scobination;node;nodositas;
结晶 crystallize;crystal;crystallization;fruit;product;quintessence;kristallization;valuable results;vegetate;
结局 final result;outcome;ending;grand finale;upshot;
结壳 crusting;incrustation;encrustation;cure;rondelle;skull;scull;
结块 packing;caking;blocking;{冶} agglomeration;clotting;(皮肤) phyma;
结论 {逻} conclusion (of a syllogism);conclusion;verdict;epilog;epilogue;
结盟 form an alliance;ally;align;
结膜 {生理} conjunctiva;tunica conjunctiva;
结囊 sacculation;
结皮 skinning;crust;{地质} breadcrust;
结欠 balance due;credit balance;
结亲 [口] marry;get married;become related by marriage;
结秦晋之好 marriage between two families;united in matrimony;
结清 settle;square up;
结群而居 live in flocks;
结舌 ankyloglossia;lingua frenata;tongue-tie;battarism;battarismus;
结社 form an association;
结石 {医} stone;calculus;lithiasis;
结识 get acquainted with sb.;get to know sb.;
结束 finish;closure;foreclosure;end;terminate;conclude;wind up;close;come to an end;come to a close;put an end to;abolish;bring sth. to a close;draw to a close;make an end of sth.;bring (the matter) to an early conclusion;in conclusion;come to a conclusion;at the conclusion of;put a termination to sth.;come to a termination;bring sth. to a termination;break off;see the last of sth. over and done with;put paid to;be over;
结驷连骑 a carriage drawn by four horses;
结算 settle accounts; close an account; wind up an account; balance accounts; squaring-up;final estimate;
结为夫妻 be tied to each other in bonds of matrimony;
结为兄弟 become sworn brothers;
结尾 ending;winding-up stage;finis;terminal;
结习未尽 One's old habit or long standing practice still exists.;
结业 complete a course;wind up one's studies;winding up;
结业证书 terminal qualification;
结余 cash surplus;surplus;balance;
结缘 form ties (of affection,friendship,etc.); become attached to;take a fancy to;
结怨 contract enmity;incur hatred;
结扎 {医} ligation;ligature;hypodesmus;
结渣 slagging scorifi ̄cation;
结账 settle accounts;square accounts;balance the books;close accounts;close the book;
结转账户 continuing account;
结子 {纺} nub;fag







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