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单词 blaze
释义 blaze2 /bleiz; blez/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] burn with flame: 发出火焰而燃烧; 炽燃: There was a fire blazing on the hearth. 壁炉中的火正熊熊地燃烧着。 When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing. 救火人员到达的时候,整座建筑物正炽烈地燃烧着。 ~ up, burst into flames. 炽烈地燃烧起来; 冒出火焰。 2 [VP2A, C] be bright with colour; shine brightly or with warmth: . 发光彩; 光辉地照曜; 和煦地照耀: The garden was blazing with colour. 花园中五彩缤纷。 The sun ~d down on us. 阳光直射在我们身上。 3 [VP2A, C] burst out with strong feeling: 爆发出激烈的情绪; 发怒: He was blazing with anger/indignation. 他勃然大怒。 4 [VP2C, 15B] ~ away, fire continuously with rifles, etc: (用步枪等)不地射击: They ~d away at the enemy. 他们不断地向敌人射击。 He ~d away all his ammunition. 他把他所有的弹药一口气打光了。 blazing adj: a blazing fire; 炽燃的火; (fig) conspicuous: (喻)显然的: a blazing indiscretion; 显然的轻率; (foxhunting) (猎狐) a blazing very strong) scent. 强烈的臭味。




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