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❶ (居住) reside; live: 暂 ~ 友人处 be staying with a friend
❷ (寄托; 包含) imply; contain: 矛盾的普遍性即 ~ 于矛盾的特殊性之中。 It is precisely in the particularity of contradiction that the universality of contradiction resides. 这个故事 ~ 有深意。 This story contains a profound lesson.; The moral of the story is profound. Ⅱ (住的地方) residence; abode: 公 ~ apartment house; block of flats; 客 ~ lodgings
◆寓公 formerly, a government official residing away from home (usu. in a big city); bureaucrats or rich people in exile; 寓教于娱 make entertainment a medium of education; 寓居 live; make one's home in; 寓目 [书] look over; 寓所 residence; place of residence; abode; dwelling place; howf, howff; boziga; diggings; 寓言 fable; allegory; parable; 寓意 implied meaning; moral; message; import; 寓于 imply; contain





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