释义 |
如鱼得水rú yú dé shuǐlike fish in water—in one’s element (s); be like a duck to water; happy in each other’s company; feel (quite) at home with each other; one’s desire is gratified ❍ 近闻刘豫州三顾先生于草庐之中,幸得先生,以为“~”,……(《三国演义》373)I have heard that Liu Bei made three journeys to visit you when you lived in retirement in your simple dwelling,and that when you consented to serve him he said he was as lucky as a fish in getting home to the ocean. ❍ 李正说:“是的!现在和过去不同了,我们已经和这里人民建立了联系,~了。(知侠《铁道游击队》401)“Yes,everything’s different now. We get on well with the people here and we’re like fish in water,”said LiZheng. ❍ 次日,又来见宝玉。二人相见,~。湘莲因问贾琏偷娶二房之事。(《红楼梦》861) The next day he called on Baoyu,and meeting again they felt so at home with each other that Xianglian asked for more details about Jia Lian’s secret marriage to a second wife. ❍ 今得见萧先生,如鱼之得水了! (《儒林外史》336)Now that I have met Mr Xiao,I feel like a stranded fish put back into water! 如鱼得水feel just like a fish in water—be in congenial company;be happy and satisfied 如鱼得水rú yú dé shuǐ像鱼得到水一样。比喻得到跟自己最相投合的人或适合的环境。be in one’s element, like fish in water |