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单词 如获至宝

如获至宝如获珍宝rú huò zhì bǎo

as if one has come across a windfall; as if one had found a treasure; feel as if one has gained a windfall; jump at sth as a god-send; like acquiring sth extremely precious; prize as a great treasure; seem to have hit the jackpot
❍ 宝玉一看,如得珍宝。(《红楼梦》334)Baoyu had never read such works before. He felt he had discovered a treasure-trove.
❍ 那薛蟠得了宝蟾如获珍宝。(《红楼梦》1048) Now Xue Pan had got possession of Baozhan whom he prized as a great treasure.

如获至宝rú huò zhì bǎo

至宝:最宝贵的东西。好像得到了最珍贵的东西。形容获得珍爱之物后极其兴奋的心情。as if one had found a treasure, like acquiring sth. priceless, rejoice over a windfall





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